29.Test flight

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"What do you say Fury should we go for a test flight?" Davina questioned and Fury jumped up excitedly.  Davina looked to Cregan. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"No." Cregan admitted. Davina nodded looking back to a very excited Fury.

"Lets give it a shot, whats the worst thing that can happen? I already fell from the clouds once, I could survive again." Davina offered.

"Lets not try to fall." Cregan countered.

"Come on baby, lets go

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"Come on baby, lets go." Davina remarked as they headed to the cliff side and suddenly Cregan was questioning everything but Davina was already up.


"Davina maybe I need to recheck the-" cregan countered but Fury took flight. It was working. His wings pumping through the air and Davina smiled down at him. And damn if that wasnt the sexiest thing he ever saw.

She was flying and then she was falling.

Here's the thing about erections. They don't deflate just because the rest of the body is freaking the fuck out. Winterfell could be on fire, and the damn thing will stand tall and proud like a flagpole, drawing attention at the worst possible moment.  Like damn shes so sexy flying. Oh fuck shes falling. Cock pull it together shes falling this isnt sexy anymore.

"Davina!" Cregan shouted running to try and catch up with them.

"Seven-" davina grumbled.

"Davina dont die!" Cregan begged.

"-fucking-" davina tumbled and scraped her way down. Davina and furys tumbled back down to the ground. Cregan and Luna chased after them.

"Hells." Davina muttered as she dangled from a tree. "Move it luna I dont want to jump on you." Davina instructed.

"You okay?"

"Ive had worse. You have patched up worse." Davina remarked.

"I got you." Cregan remarked and she felt hands on her ankles and calves. He lowered her onto his shoulders before helping her to her feet.

"So if that was your attempt to kill the queen you failed." Davina informed him.

"Damnit." Cregan mused. But he was freaking out.

"What next?" Davina questioned as she moved to Fury. He grumbled and puffed out an annoyed bit of fire. "I know baby I know." Davina coed shaking off her injuies.

"I try again... to fix his tail not drop you from the clouds ." Cregan clarified.

"Good good. I needed that clarification." Davina assured. "Hey Cregan." He looked at her. "Dont give up on me. Dont give up on Fury. I believe in you cregan." Cregan nodded looking to Fury as he rolled over in the snow.

"Im a Stark. We dont quit." Cregan assured.

"Good boy." Davina agreed. "Then lets get back to work."

"Let me take a look at that cut." Cregan corrected touching her forehead.

"Im fine Cregan. I just want to get home... to my kids." Davina whispered.

"Im know Davina... I... let me help you get cleaned up... for the next inevitable fall." Cregan offered softly.

"You know Im the one that babies everyone else." Davina whispered as he cleaned off her wound. "Its... difficult being the one taken care of for once."

"You are the queen. You took care of your brother your husband- thats still weird your targaryen customs." Cregan remarked.

"I know." Davina admitted "but I love him. I wouldnt force a union on any of my children though..."

"Five children."

"And Three grandchildren that I like but Im not a grandmother." Davina informed him. She had two more from evil spawns. Little Aegon the little cunt and little viserys jr the kiss ass in the making.

"You are good mother." Cregan remarked.

"I would like to think so." Davina agreed.

"From the moment I found you davina. You have wanted nothing except to get home to your kids. You have been taking care of everyone for years... let me take care of you."

"Well when you put it like that... make it quick so we can get back to work." Davina mused.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now