35. Mess Without You

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"Castle secure!"

"Dispose of them, immediately." Criston demanded. "How did they get in?"

"The secret passageways is my guess." Alyssa offered as her eyes tracked the shadows of the fading sun coming in from the stained glass humming bird charm her father had made for her. It still hung in the window. 

"Secret... what?" Aegon countered. 

"In the walls." Alyssa agreed. "You know them..." Aegon got up, using a cane to stabilize his still broken but healing leg. "Thats how you always used to give Ser Erryky the slip." 

"Thats right." Aegon remarked. "I havent used them in years..." Aegon looked to Seamus and he nodded. "They were rat catchers, let us... replace the scum that was friends with Daemon and replace them with cats instead."

"Oh, I love cats, can we get a cat? I dont think mother will mind." Visenya remarked happily. 

"I will get on that right away." Criston agreed. 

"Everyone else, this has been an eventful evening, lets get some supper and an early night, start fresh in the morning." Seamus agreed. 

"Any ravens?" Aemond questioned blocking Seamus path.

"No, I'm sorry. you know I would tell you if she wrote." Seamus assured. 

"I know." Aemond agreed softly. "I just miss her." 

"We all do, but she will be back before you know it, get something to eat. I am having the guards do another sweep of the castle and Alyssa- Alyssa!" She turned around. "Can you show me the tunnels?"

"Dont show more people you dont trust." Alyssa countered. 

"I will check the tunnels with you." Tommen assured. Seamus nodded in agreement. 

"Wonderful," Seamus agreed. 

Aemond watched them walk off, Visenya and Baelon hand in hand, Joffrey and Luke chased after Visenya and Jace ran after Alyssa. Aegon hobbled back to his bed and Aemond needed some fresh air. 

If Laenor was alive they would have had the Velaryon's on their side, but since Jace, Luke and Joffrey were still deemed as Velaryon, having Rhaenys gone and Corlys on deaths door maybe all Rhaenyras declarations of trueborn was worth it. Once Daemon and Rhaenyra fell the rest would follow. They got declarations from most of the houses only a few stood loyal to Rhaenyra and Daemon but Aemond figured that was more out of fear of Daemon's wrath than love for either of them. 

Aemond was so wound up that he almost didnt register a black blob flying through the air. He needed a plan to take down Rhaenyra and Daemon, a good plan, solid, he needed something that no one would object to and he knew he had to be bold if he was going to beat Daemon. 

Vhagar grumbled out and Aemond looked to her, but her gaze was stuck on the sky. Aemond turned to see the black blob, wasnt a blob at all, it was a dragon. He moved to Vhagar thinking a fight but as the dragon got closer he saw it was Fury. 

"Mum?" Aemond questioned running to the shores. "MUM!" He couldnt see her from this far away, was she on him, surely Fury would not have left without her. "MUM!" Aemond shouted and shouted out waving wildly until he saw her hands  waving back at him and he could breathe again. "Mama..." he wanted to cry. 

"AEMOND!" Davina called down she had never so happy to see anyone in her life. 

"Mum!" Aemond declared as davina landed.

"Aemond!" Davina slid from furys back and aemond held onto her. She hugged him and he lifted her off the ground. "My baby." Davina coed as he buried his face in her neck she cradled his head to her as she put her feet back on the ground. She peppered his face with kisses making him smile. "I feel like I was gone forever..." davina remarked touching his cheek. He nestled into her again kissing her shoulder.

"I missed you. I think that's the longest we have ever been apart." Aemond realized.

"I hated every second of it." Davina remarked. A half lie. She hated being away from her babies but cregan did provide a good distraction.

"Are you okay? Is Fury? He is wearing a saddle, thats new..." Aemond remarked. "Oh my... his tail." 

"Cregan Stark made him a new tail." Davina agreed. "Caraxes was an ass and ruined it. But after a few failed tails, he got it perfect and... I couldnt be more grateful to have landed in the frozen fucking north." 

"I'm glad you are home, I almost went out and got you like a million times." Aemond informed her. 

"I'm glad you didnt, although I would have loved to see you up there." 

"I knew I should have come." Aemond muttered, Davina held onto her. 

"You needed to be here, to protect your siblings, protect this family." Davina corrected kissing his cheek. "I missed you so much." 

"I was a mess without you." Aemond admitted. 

"No, my Aemond is always calm, cool and collected." Davina countered. 

"Not when I'm worried about you." Aemond corrected and Davina wiped at his eyes. 

"Oh my sweet boy, I love you." Davina never wanted to let go but an echo of mama filled her ears. 

"Mama!" Viserys and Baelon declared running towards her.

"Oh my baby babies!" Davina declared turning to them She crouched pulling her twins close. She kissed their cheeks as their arms wrapped around her. "I missed you all so much."

"We got your raven!" Visenya remarked. "You were in winterfell, did you see a direwolf?"

"I did her name was Luna." Davina agreed. 

"And I just want to tell you now, I listened and Baelon listened but they didnt listen." Visenya remarked. 

"Im really sorry aegon didn't listen." Baelon offered.

"What?" Davina countered looking at aemond.

"Hes okay... doing better already." Visenya agreed.

"What happened to Aegon?" Davina demanded. 

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