39. Stardust

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"Sara you are going to fly with Aemond and Vhagar." Davina remarked. She knew that since Vhagar was largest she should have taken Cregan, even them both but Fury could fit two people and Davina wanted Cregan pressed up against her for his first flight.

"This is so cool!" Sara declared. She looked to Aemond with wide eyes. "What do I do?"

"Hold on tight." Aemond instructed. "Here, use the ropes to climb up." Aemond gave her a boost and Cregan looked to Fury he bowed his head to Cregan.

"He likes you! thats so fucking cute." Davina declared when Cregan put his hand on Fury's head leaning his own head towards Fury.  Cregan let his hand drop when Fury's head popped up seemingly smiling at Davina. "You ready?"

"To fly?" Cregan chuckled. Davina pulled herself up and offered him a hand. He grabbed her hand.

"Just like riding a horse but a billion times better." Davina assured.

"Don't drop me." Cregan whispered in her ear as he settled behind her.

"Wouldnt dream of it, beside who would save you if you dropped? You are the hero here. Do you think a good Samaritan would-"

"Davina dont drop-"

"I kid, I kid I wont let you fall I like you too much." Davina assured. "Aemond, head home, it will be too dark to see the site Sunfyre's at by the time we get back."

"Okay," Aemond agreed.

"We can start fresh in the morning." Davina told Cregan.

"We are going to the capital!" Sara declared.

"ALright, hold on tight." Davina instructed.

"Sovegon!" They both declared and Vhagar and Fury took flight.

Cregan loved how fast they flew this was a lot better than a moons long ride tired and sore. Instead he was flying through the air pressed up against Davina clinging onto her. Once the fear of im not going to fall passed he couldnt stop smiling.

Sara screamed out laughter filled her. Her arms lifted up high and if Aemond didnt know any better he would think Sara was Targaryen. She was fearless. Just like his mum.

"Hold on Sara! My mum will kill me if you fall." Aemond instructed. She hooted out. "Sara hold on!" Aemond demanded.

"Cregan im catching clouds!" Sara shouted.

"Its not my fault if she falls! I warned her!" Aemond called up to his mother.

"Sara listen to Aemond!" Cregan shouted through the wind whipping around them.

"You having fun?" Davina asked tipping back into Cregan.

"Yes." He breathed back his face in her neck arms wrapped around her waist.

"Sara is like me." Davina remarked. "You are in for one hell of a ride when she starts liking boys."

"I think shes in love with dragons." Cregan countered as Davina pulled them up into the clouds and then above the clouds. The sky was shades of pinks and oranges as they watched the sun dive below the clouds cregan watched awestruck as the night sky darkened and the stars lite up before him. He felt like he could reach out and grab a star.

Fury slowed and Davina watched as Cregan reached out a hand grasping at the sky. He caught her smiling back at him from the corner of his eye.

"I must look like a loon grapsing at nothing." Cregan remarked.

"Not nothing. Stardust."

"Mama!" Aemond called out and davina dove back down the clouds covered them in a mist before the powerful propells of furys wings dried them off.

"Kings landing coming up." Davina agreed. "Welcome to my home, Cregan."

"She needd to write a damn note before se takes off." Seamus grumbled when he saw two dragons coming back.

"Seriously that woman is going to give me a heart attack." Tommen agreed.

"She said she was going to check on Sunfyre." Aegon corrected.

"That was this morning." Seamus corrected.

"You know mum and dragons." Baelon remarked.

"She picked up a few strays." Jace realized as he wrapped a hand around alyssas waist.

"Mum always makes friends." Alyssa agreed.

"You were her guard." Seamus reminded criston. "Why werent you guarding her?"

"You think i can control davina?" Criston countered. "Also I dont have a dragon."

"Good point." Aegon agreed.

Davina slid down and reached out for Cregan.

"Need a hand?" Davina questioned.

"My pride would like to get down without assistance but..." cregan stared down as Fury settled. "Yes."

"I will catch you," davina assured.

"Mama made a handsome friend." Visenya remarked. Baelon gaped back at her.

"You are marrying me one day. Dont get any ideas." Baelon declared.

"What I have eyes. Right Alyssa?" Visenya questioned but Alyssa was focused on Jace. He had always been sweet on her and this was no different. No man could compare to how sweet and handsome alyssa thought Jace was.

"Cregan we made it!" Sara declared as she raced down the ropes. Aemond stared back at her amazed. She hooted out as her feet hit the ground. "We rode a freaking dragon and wow-" she looked to davinas children as they watched them get closer. Visenya ran up to Davina hugging her tight.

"Hi baby. I want to introduce you to a friend of mine." Davina glanced back at Cregan. "This is Cregan and Sara Stark."

"Snow." Sara murmured. "But im hoping we can change that." She tried to wink awkwardly at Aegon.

"What happened to visiting Sunfyre?" Aegon questioned looking skeptically at Cregan.

"Cregan helped fix Furys wing. He is going to try and help sunfyre." Davina informed him. Aegon marched up best he could his temporary cane clicking on the ground. He moved to cregan and Cregan immediately stiffened at Davinas side. Aegon was te king but more importantly he was Davinas son and she loved her children more than anything.

"Your grace." Cregan bowed before him. "Your mother has told me a lot about you, all of you. Im glad that i get the chance to meet you."

"Hm." Aegon countered.

"Baby be nice." Davina whispered reaching out for him.

"Welcome to the capital, Cregan."

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now