33. Killing Me

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Timeless / House of the Dragon x Legends of Tomorrow out now!

Cregan shook with the urgency of his arousal, rubbing himself wildly against her thigh as he fingered her into insanity. With each circle of his thumb and pump of his hand, her release hovers on the ledge, galvanized with determination yet teetering with uncertainty. He drove his cock against her leg, his breath catching in his throat.

"Feel how much I want you. How much I want you with me." He breathed back and Davina purred. An invisible wall crashed down inside her, and an outpour of quivering, overwhelming heat spilled from her spine, detonates through her womb, and shatters every neuron in her body. The shock of it steals her breath, her back bowing against the force of so many new and frenzied sensations.

"Ah Gods, so beautiful," he rasped. "So fucking mine." she liked that, she knew it was illogical but she liked it all the same. Mine. 

His fingers, hips, and breathy groans work in tandem, shoving her deeper into tingling bliss and shredding his voice.

"Fuck, I'm gonna—" He comes with a strangled shout, his body jerking as he rolled halfway on top of her and captured her mouth in a breathless kiss. His weight slouched against her, and the rocking of his hips ebbs into a lazy roll. His hand slipped from between her legs, his chest heaving hard against hers. But his movements were slow, reverently gentle as he cupped her jaw and kissed her into a languid, dreamy cosmos. 

She died somewhere between her release and his. And now she knew how it felt to be alive again.

She kissed him holding onto him through shaking limbs. Her skin was hot and slippery with perspiration, and every inch of her was luxuriously numb, listless, and happy. He met her gaze, his eyes wide and mesmerizing as he choked a jagged sound against her lips.

"I love you."


"Davina hes killing me!" Cregan shouted. Luna ran around happily and davina smirked.

"He is not. He likes you." Davina corrected.

"Lies! Hes beating me up!"

"You would be dead if he wanted you dead."Davina corrected as fury seemed to be petting cregan booping him gently.

"I think he likes that you are flinching away

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"I think he likes that you are flinching away." Davina countered. 

"He likes my pain!" Cregan demanded

"Fury. Thank you. Cregan doesnt like love and affection." Davina remarked and fury stood at attention.

"I like love and affection." he corrected brushing himself off as he got up. Eyeing Fury but fury just smiled back at him. "Just not by dragons bopping me in the head." Davina strut towards him and tapped his nose with her finger and a smile curved Cregans face.

"Liar." She purred in her ear.

"You are-"

"A dragon." Davina agreed. She smirked back at him before turned her silver hair nearly whipping him in the face.

"Davina!" Cregan declared through an exasperated breath. "You are killing me slowly."

"Poor baby." Davina coed.

"Can a man die from an unfulfilled boner left unchecked for too long?" Cregan mused. "I dont think I want to test that." He murmured.

"Need me to kiss a boo boo better?"

"Yes." Cregan breathed back.

"Come on!" Sara declared running up to them. "Where have you two been? I'm calling you sister now, is that okay?" Sara pondered. 

"Sure, if you want." Davina remarked. "I always wanted a sister."

"Me too!" Sara declared. "But I got stuck with Cregan." 

"Cregan could give you a real sister in law one day." Davina countered. 

"Not you?" Sara countered confused. 

"I'm... its complicated." Davina offered. 

"Cregan said that too." Sara remarked. "Come on then, carrot cake, your favorite!" Davina looked to Cregan as he downed his drink, their little adventure was coming to an end and he was dreading her departure. 

"You going home in the morning then?" Cregan pondered over supper. 

"I am." Davina agreed. "Been gone almost a fortnight, should be a fast flight but I dont want to wear fury out, he's put on some winter weight." She mused. 

"What are you going to do about Daemon and Rhaenyra?" Cregan questioned. 

"I'm going to... see my kids first, make sure the capital it still standing and hope that they came up with a plan..." Davina offered. "I"m more the burn first ask questions never type of gal." 

"I recall that." Cregan agreed. 

"So, maybe my hand, Aegons hand." She corrected. "Seamus will hopefully have some ideas." 

"And Daemon in particular? I know you had wanted to handle him which was how you ended up in our woods bloody and broken." Cregan remarked gently. 

"Too many times i let myself believe that i could love the devil right out of any man, but that was before i realized it's a full-time job without benefits." Davina remarked honestly. "And Daemon was that devil, still is."  

"You going to kill him?" Sara whispered. 

"That was the plan." Davina agreed. "But I couldnt do it then, I think I can now." Cregan stared back at her a long moment as she watched her reflection in the wine. 

"The north toughen you up?" Sara mused. 

"I loved him for so long that I just hoped that he was still in there... but he's not." Davina remarked. "I saw that when it was too late and we were already on a downward spiral."

"If a man ever cheated on me I would set Luna on them, bite their balls off." Sara declared loudly. 

"I like your style." Davina agreed. "I was that way, I wanted to blame everyone else but him though for a while, I kept taking him back like an idiot..."

"You are not an idiot." Cregan countered. 

"He was ready to kill me, he wanted me dead all for a hunk of golds and steels and silvers... for a crown that was never his, he was ready for me to die." Davina whispered. "You can read, watch and hear about what it's like to be cheated on but the overriding emotion is feeling like a little crack has formed on the surface of your heart and it's carving its way into your cells like the ground fracturing in an earthquake...."

Cregan watched Davinas grip on the glass get tighter, like she was going to crack the glass if her own fragile self released enough pain and emotion to do so.

"In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change and allow a brighter future to unfold before us ... Either way, a new day is coming ... The question is will you control it, or will it control you?" Sara pondered. 

"Very poetic." Davina gave her a little round of applause. "I hope to control the next day that is coming." Davina agreed. 

"You will, you are braver and more resilient than anyone I know." Cregan assured. Davina met his gaze and grabbed his hand. 

"Sometimes you love people you shouldn't, and in the endless space of that love, nothing else matters."

"People like Daemon." Cregan realized and his face turned down. 

"People like Cregan Stark." Davina corrected.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now