46. Dizzy

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Cregan pulled himself up Fury behind Davina and Aegon climbed up on Sunfyre. Tommen got on behind Aemond and vhagar. 

"You sure about this Stark?" Aegon questioned. 

"We had a few test fails with Fury-" Fury scoffed at that, he wasnt a failure. "-but we got there." Cregan assured. "Give it a shot." Davina nodded, she trusted Cregan, also that she was here to catch Aegon if he fell. 

"Sovegon." Aegon declared and Sunfyre glanced back at him. "Just going home, its a short flight, I just want you home." Aegon begged giving his scaled back a kiss. "Try for me please." Aegon begged and Davina wanted this to work, needed this to work. 

"Davina what did you do with the twins?" Tommen called over. 

"What?" Davina countered. 

"DIdn't Rhaenyra-"

"Oh fucking hell." Davina grumbled. "I forgot about them." She grumbled. Sunfyre propelled himself off the ground and Davina's breath hitched. 

"I will get them." Aemond offered. "TOmmen knows how to deal with children right?" 

"I have a daughter." Tommen agreed. 

"Who you left, maybe I take-" Tommen whacked a hand at Aemond's arm. 

"I know how to deal with children. Lets go. You follow Aegon." Tommen assured. Davina nodded tapping Fury's back and he took off. Cregan watched Aemond take off in the other direction. 

Aegon and viserys. Thats what Rhaenyra and Daemon named their twins. Twins, as if the fact they had twins wasnt bad enough but they had to be shit heads and name them Aegon too. Like you couldnt think of a better name? A different name? 

Aemond stared down at them as they wailed out. 

"Maybe we say we didnt find them." Aemond offered. He liked his younger siblings but these were children of demons. 

"Come on, the kids are innocent." Tommen assured. "Loud, fucking loud." he added as he picked up a wailing vissy. "Maybe they will like flying." 

"Or it will drown out their screams up there." Aemond countered. 

"You wanted kids." Davina remarked as they landed. Sunfyre stumbled to a stop but he made it. "We are about to aquire two more toddlers."

"Is this your way of asking me to stay?" Cregan pondered. 

"Did you do it?" Sara questioned running up with Visenya. 

"Can they stay?" Visenya questioned. "I want Sara to stay! Please mama!" 

"I want to stay! Please Cregan!" Sara agreed. 

"Davina, up to you." Cregan remarked and both girls clung onto her pleading. 

"I would love it if the Starks stayed here." Davina agreed. "Stay Cregan... dont make me miserable by not being mine." she whispered touching his bearded face. 

"I thought you would never ask." Cregan agreed. 


Davina stared down at Alyssa and Jace in the gardens from her balcony and a smile curved her face as Alyssa jumped up completely love struck giddy. She launched into Jace's arms and Davina's smile grew.

"We have a wedding to prepare for." Davina remarked calmly as Aemond came into her room.

"No, mama you can't get married again." Aemond begged. Davina turned to him.

"What?" Davina questioned confused. "No, not me." She declared. Although the thought had presented itself many times with Cregan. Cregan asked her for Gods sake. 

"No?" Aemond let out a breath of relief.

"No. Gods I dont think I could handle another. The first five-" minus seamus, davina thought. "-already have all their families wishing why the hell did they agree to such a thing."

"So... who?" Aemond questioned. Davina reached out for him. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Jace asked Alyssa to marry him?"

"He asked for my blessing and permission when we got back." Davina remarked.

"You really dont think you will marry again?" Aemond pondered.

"No..." It wasnt a complete lie, she was still young but she wasnt YOUNG anymore.  "I have you and your siblings and little Vizzy and Egon... I have my grandchildren and... Thats more than enough love." Davina assured him.

"Egg, thats not for you." Baelon declared. The twins, Rhaenyra's twins were running already, they sprinted down the halls laughing, they had a new game they liked to play called piss off Baelon and take his things. They loved it when he chased after them. "EGG DAMNIT!" Baelon didnt like it as much.

Viserys jr had been renamed as Vizzy and Aegon the third was renamed Egg head by Baelon. They didnt think that name didnt stick but they all still called him egg  and Baelon still called him Egg head. It wasnt to be mean he honestly thought the twins heads looked very much like eggs. Egon became his new name. The twins were so young when everything happened they didn't remember Rhaenyra or Daemon they thought Davina their mother and she preferred it that way.

"I got you!" Cregan declared picking up Vizzy. He laughed out. Davina assumed the boys thought Cregan was their father, he certainly acted like a good father. It was ovary tingling seeing Cregan with the twins. Good looks came and went but the dependable father, that was timeless. Cregan held Vizzy and Egg by their legs coming into Davina's room. She laughed out as they giggled their little faces turning red. "I have a special delivery." Cregan declared. 

"Return it, I didnt order-'

"MAMA!" Vizzy giggled out. 

"Oh, I didnt recognize them upside down." Davina mused. Aemond knew there was something going on between Cregan and his mother but he didnt want to think about it. He didnt want her getting hurt again. Daemon had hurt her. Viserys' death had hurt her and she was smiling again, Aemond didnt want this northern man to come and mess up her heart. 

"Mama!" Egg shouted stumbling over before running on unstable legs to her. SHe picked him up. She had missed the baby years, really liked that she didnt have to harbor them inside her for nine moons, twins were a bitch to push out. She got them for the fun years. 

"Dada dizzy!" Vizzy decided stumbling back into him. Cregan smiled back at Davina. 

"Is dada dizzy?" Davina questioned drawing her finger down his lips. Aemond's eyes went wide as Cregan kissed Davina pulling her hips into him. 

"I'm dizzy." Aemond decided. 

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now