23. Look The Part

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"The people- and me, we, all of us really-"

"Spit it out Cregan." Davina instructed.

"Right, well we are having a feast tonight, in your honor." Cregan declared confidently.

"Thats so sweet, thank you." Davina offered. "Carrot cake or I'm not coming though." She added honestly.

"Carrot cake will be there." Cregan assured. "So you best come to get it." Davina smiled touching his chin.

"You are a good guy Cregan, nervous and revert into a hormonal teen around me but I'm used to that." Davina added.

"I... well..."

"Can't form complete sentences, yes I know, but its cute." Davina assured. Cregan couldnt meet her gaze as a blush crept up his neck.

"I had a dress for tonight made up for you." Cregan remarked slowly he put the dress down on the bed and she touched the thick fabric. "Warmer than your southern dresses." Cregan added. "I hope you wear it tonight."

"Thank you... I will." Davina agreed fingering the fabric. Cregan looked her over again before heading out. Why was he acting like a lovesick pup? She was the queen and he was being delusional. Yet every time she smiled at him, touched his arm, he needed to jump in a snow bank and cool the fuck off.

Maybe it was that northern women were different than Davina. Maybe it was that Davina was Davina and there were no other women like Davina. Either way, Cregan was infatuated with her.


"Well dont you look the part of queen." Cregan declared when davina came out. Her dress was greys, blues and golds. Warm, thick cloak wrapped around her shoulders in the same color and fur lining the neck line of the deep cut dress.

"Stark colors too

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"Stark colors too. That was a nice touch." Davina mused and a smile quirked up on Cregans lips.

"Its suits you." Cregan offered.

"It does, but you should see me in red." Davina purred and her lips grazed his cheek as she passed and his cock went into full boner mode.

Cregan's hands clasped in front of himself as he tried to hide the clear signs of the queen turning him on with nothing but the sound of her voice. She smirked back at him over her shoulder as she mingled.

Winterfell was glad to have the queen here, glad to meet her and most were kind, others were admirers and there was one man that Cregan swore he killed last summer after he flirted with Sara and moved in a little too close for Sara and Cregans liking.

"Rumlow." Cregan grumbled.

"Hey man, you caught a queen, aint that nice. I was just going to say hello." RUmlow declared.

"You will do no such thing." Cregan countered. "You are leaving, you are not welcome here."

"I'm a knight, I'm honored, I worked for my position unlike you, you cunt." Rumlow spat. Their nice evening took a turn rather quickly and Davina's head snapped around, this seemed oh too similar to when Criston and Harwin went at it years ago and Davina was requesting someone mop Criston up.

"I'm a knight, i worked for my position too." Cregan reminded him shoving him back. "And my current position I forbid you from coming back to winterfell and yet here you are!"

"Ancient history, let it go." Rumlow sneered.

"Never, get the fuck out." Cregan demanded.

"Your grace-" Rumlow countered turning towards Davina. "Let me give you a proper welcome to the north, what an honor-"

"You might want to listen to Lord Stark." Davina remarked loudly.

"He acts a big man but he's a boy, I'm in charge and you should know that." Rumlow corrected. Davina smirked.

"The only thing you are running is your mouth." Davina corrected him. "Now, if Lord Stark says to get the fuck out, you get the fuck out."

"Fine, have it your way bitch." Rumlow agreed he turned back to Cregan and Cregan let his guard down for a breath thinking this wouldnt result in a fight but Rumlows fist went flying through the air colliding with Cregans cheek.


"He got you good." Davina remarked.

"I got him worse." Cregan reminded her. She touched his cheek gently. He closed his eyes breathing her in.

"What did he do?" Davina questioned.

"Rumlow is a jerk, I didnt want him trying to take advantage of you." Cregan offered.

"I can take care of myself, there is more to that." Davina urged.

"Sara thought he was handsome and charming and... he pushed her a little too far past what she was comfortable with." Cregan remarked.

"Did he-" Davina rasped.

"No, no, I got there before it got that far but she was scared and mad and he wasnt taking no for an answer." Cregan remarked. "I beat him up, I kicked him out, I forbid him from ever coming back to winterfell again but clearly he thought it was ancient history. "

"Clearly." Davina whispered. "I would have killed him."

"I honestly thought I did." Cregan admitted as she sat back against the headboard and leaned into Cregan slightly. "I kept hitting him and hitting him and... when I left he was bleeding into the snow, I didnt think he was moving but clearly he is alive and ready for vengence."

"Is Sara going to be okay?" Davina questioned.

"He wont go after Sara, he has his sights set on someone new and shiny." Cregan corrected softly.

"New and shiny?" Davina mused.

"You Davina. You are this shiny beautiful thing in the frozen north, you are going to attract attention, the wrong kind of attention." Cregan remarked.

"I can handle myself." Davina assured. "I have lived many years, been fighting my battles long before you were ever born too." Davina reminded him.

"Humor me." Cregan requested. "Stay here, take my bed, I will stay on the couch-"

"No." Davina corrected.

"Please, I'm not going to be able to sleep if I think you are in trouble." Also the fact that he put Luna in Sara's room and the wolves would attack as needed and Sara said fuck no, you can't stay with me I'm not a baby. "Davina," Cregan whispered desperately.

"No." Davina repeated. "You are not sleeping on the couch."

"I cant have you sleep on the couch you are the queen." Cregan reminded her.

"I know who I am." Davina assured. "You can sleep here, the bed is big enough for the both of us if you are really that worried." Cregan could only nod. "Great." Davina agreed. "And its really sweet of you to worry about me, its even sweeter how you look out for your sister."

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now