15. Protect Her

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"Does this mean we win?" Visenya asked.

"Your mother still has to deal with daemon." Seamus corrected.

"But jace, luke and joff are here. They got the crown back." Visenya corrected. "Uncle Viserys didnt want rhaenyra to be queen. He wanted Aegon."

"Be that as it may there is not peace in the world and rhaenyra thinks her claim is stronger." Seamus remarked.

"Im going to look for her." Viserys corrected running outside.

"Visenya!" Seamus declared chasing after her.

"I got her. You stay with the children." Criston corrected and Seamus sighed but looked to little Joffrey a little sad smile on his face.

"Hey, Davina is going to okay. She is going to come bursting through the clouds in no time." Seamus assured. Jace held tight to Alyssas hand. Seamus had to block Baelon from chasing after Visenya. Aemond stared out the window nervoudly they all awaited for Davina to make her miraculous breakthrough. But it didnt come.

"Mama! Mama!" Visenya demanded running outside. "Mama come back!"

"Where is the queen?" Criston questioned softly peering around. She should have been back. Criston didnt want to be worried he was the commander after all but Davina was his friend. He didnt want to lose her. The kids couldnt lose her. She was a force to be reckoned with long before she got a crown on her head she was still fierce.

"Mama!" Visenya shouted searching the skies but there was no sign of fury or caraxes.

"She will be fine." Baelon assured when Criston finally dragged Visenya back in but they had been gone too long. They should have seen something.

"Im going out there." Aegon declared as he marched to the pits.

"Your mother wouldnt want you in harms way." Seamus corrected.

"She wouldnt want us sitting here either if we could help." Aegon soat back. "Shes my mother. What if shes hurt? What if she needs me? I cant just sit here-"

"You are the king." Seamus reminded him.

"What good is a king if I cannot protect my mother?" Aegon demanded.

"I love that you love her. I love her too." Seamus assured. "But she would kill me if you flew out there wandering aimlessly." Seamus remarked. "Have faith in your mother. She is more capable then you know." Aegon stared back at him a moment longer pursing his lips he supposed they still had to seal with Rhaenyra. The war ahead. Even if Daemon was defeated. Rhaenyra would still want the crown and Aegon worked too hard to get to this point to give up now.

"Alright." Aegon agreed. "I want... we need to get ravens sent out... send them to- " aegon let out a deep breath. Davina was his favorite person in the world and not knowing if she was okay not knowing where she was terrified him.

"Dorne. Mum has friends in dorne." Aemond agreed.

"Yes." Aegon agreed and Aemond put a hand on his shoulder.

"We get her back." Aemond assured. Aegon nodded slowly. "Shes mum. She always comes back." Aemond assured and it took all he had not to run to Vhagar and look for her himself.


"Im not done with you Davina!" Daemon shouted back. She glanced over her shoulder at him. Caraxes was coming at them at full force a wicked glare in Daemons eyes.

"Give up!" Davina demanded.

"Not a chance." Daemon hissed.

"Get out of here Fury." Davina demanded.

"Ive never known you to run dav."

She wanted to go home but istead she found herself heading north to try and get away from Daemon. Wind whipped around them. Fire and smoke billowing with each blow of their breaths.

Then she felt herself being jerked from the sky.
Fury cried out as Caraxes latched onto his tail.

And suddenly she was falling. Fury was spinning spiraling out of the sky davina tried to hang on. Fear coursed through her. She should have killed him when she had the chance.

Fury wailed out and the momentum was too much. Spinning and spinning crashing and falling. She flew off Furys back in a haze and hit every damn tree on the way down before she landed with a bone breaking thud on the cold hard ground.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now