41. Losing Daylight

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Davina was gone when Cregan woke up. She was in a council meeting with Aegon so he got to work with Aemond and Visenya. 

"I'm coming with!" Sara declared, she wasnt a morning person before, Cregan thought but here she was up and ready and bubbly. Cregan sighed requesting some tea to wake himself up before they headed off. 

"The fresh air will wake you up, come on!" Sara declared happily. 

"Drink fast." Aemond suggested nodding to the kettle. 

"Thanks." Cregan mumbled. 

"What are you intentions with my mother?" Baelon questioned marching up to him. 

"I'm helping the dragons." Cregan corrected. 

"Yeah but... I have eyes. I know how you were looking at her." Baelon corrected. 

"It's like how Baelon looks at me." Visenya agreed, sweetly.

"No, I mean... I..." He downed his tea and looked to Aemond. "We can go." Aemond headed outside and Baelon and visenya chased after him. 

"I'm just looking out for my mum." Baelon remarked. 

"I call dibs on Aemond!" Sara declared. 

"I can continue this interrogation in the air." Baelon agreed. 

"No I'm going with." Visenya corrected. "You didnt get permission from mama." 

"We dont have to ask permission anymore, Vis." Baelon corrected. 

"You tell that to mama and see what happens." Visenya corrected as she called out for Chama. 

"Good point." Baelon agreed. "Dont leave without me!"

"Already gone Bael." Aemond corrected. "Keep an eye on Aegon for us." Baelon grumbled as he headed inside. 

"You spoke to your mother today?" Cregan questioned. 

"Of course." Aemond agreed simply. 

"Sara ride with me, Vhagar is larger but we dont usually travel with more than one person." Visenya requested. Sara grumbled but got onto Chama behind Visenya. "Race you!" Visenya declared. 

"You know where you are going?" Aemond countered and Visenya pursed her lips. "THought not. Stay close, I dont want to lose you in the clouds." 

"Got it!" Visenya agreed. "But a race home?" 

"Hurry up Clegane, we are losing daylight." Aemond demanded as Cregan struggled to climb Vhagars ropes. "Your sister was better at this." Aemond informed him. Sara beamed back at him. 

"Alyssa, I know the world is upside down but I want to marry you still." Jace declared. 

"That's good to hear." Alyssa agreed. "But we need the world to stop burning." 

"Right, but after." jace agreed.

"After." Alyssa agreed kissing him. Jace sighed wrapping his arms around her. Alyssa giggled kissing him again. 

"Can you make sure he doesnt try to eat me?" Cregan questioned as he got out his measuring tools. 

"Chama get Sunfyre some food." Visenya suggested pointing for her.  Chama flew off. Sara smiled up at the sky. 

"Hey you think my mum could have been Targaryen?" Sara questioned as Cregan got to work on Sunfyre's wing. Sunfyre grumbled and hissed, Aemond tried to soothe him. 

"I dont think so." Cregan countered. 

"Just because I'm better with dragons than you are."  Sara clarified. 

"SHould have asked father when he was alive." Cregan remarked. "He didnt tell me nor did I ask who he was fucking." 

"Right, right but like... its a possibility." sara decided. 

"Anything is possible... but fixing this wing." Cregan remarked. 

"Mums not going to be happy to hear that." aemond countered as Chama returned and dropped a sheep from her mouth and talons before sunfyre, Aemond pulled Sara back do she would be fried, Sunfyre opened his mouth searing them before gobbling them down. 

"I'm taking notes and measurments but

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"I'm taking notes and measurments but... I just dont know, this is different from Fury's tail fin, This is his wing." Cregan remarked making notes with his charcoal. 

"But you can try?" Visenya begged. "Mama just wants him home. Wants him safer, he will be safer at home, he wont be safe here forever, someone will try to hurt him, to kill him." Visenya whispered. 

"I will do my best but... I dont know that even if I did make something that he would want to fly." Cregan offered. 

"Whatever you need we will get." Aemond assured. "You will try." 

"I will try.'' Cregan agreed. "For Davina," he added softly as he looked at the tear in Sunfyres wing again. Sunfyre snapped back at him for getting to close. Cregan took a few quick steps back raising his hands to show no threat as Aemond tried to soothe him again. 

"Lets get home and get you supplies

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"Lets get home and get you supplies." Aemond suggested. 

"That was great." Davina remarked smiling back at Aegon. "You are great, you were born to lead."

"I was, wasn't I?" Aegon agreed. 

"Incoming dragon." Seamus remarked.

"Back from sunfyre already?" Davina pondered. 

"You really think he can help sunfyre?" Aegon questioned. 

"He made Fury a tail." Davina reminded him. "If anyone can do this, Cregan Stark can." 

"You really like him." Aegon remarked. 

"He saved my life and Fury's tail." Davina agreed. 

"Davina," Seamus warned stared at the incoming dragon. "Thats not Vhagar." He realized. Davina looked out the window. 


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