43. Make You Bleed

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"We promised forever Davina." Daemon shouted.

"Forever is the sweetest con." Davina countered. 

"Prince Daemon." Cregan remarked and Daemon spun around. His blade aimed at Cregan. Davina froze. What was Cregan doing?

"Direwolf." Daemon remarked. "Rhaenyra was blabbering about a prophecy, did Viserys tell it to you too?" Daemon pondered sparing a glance at Davina. 

"A union of fire and ice, blah blah to unite the realms." Davina agreed. 

"Trying to win starks over to your side? Is that it?" Daemon questioned. 

"On the contrary." Cregan countered. "I was marching forth to support the rightful queen." 

"Ahh, Stark, men of honor. Rhaenyra knew we could count on you." Daemon agreed. Davina knew or better hoped that Cregan was bluffing. "And there is the usurper king himself." Davina spun around looking to Aegon. 

"What are you doing? Get back inside!" Davina demanded. 

"A true king doesnt need to listen to his mommy." Daemon countered. 

"Aegon is the king, the true king, viserys wanted Aegon-"

"I named my son aegon." Daemon corrected. 

"Viserys wanted my Aegon for king, not your sorry excuse for an infant." Davina corrected. "WHy on earth would he say Aegon the baby I just met, he should be king? Thats ridiculous!" Davina shouted. "Now... Aegon back inside!" Davina demanded. 

"He wanted to fight me like a man." Daemon corrected. 

"Daemon, this is between you and I." Davina corrected. 

"And Rhaenyra and your son and my son." Daemon agreed. "Aemond." 

"Aemond is my son, he is not yours." Davina hissed. 

"You are no queen Davina." 

"Viserys thought I was." Davina countered. "Aegon my son, my Aegon my first born is king. You want to end this, lets end this." Davina demanded. "But Aegon inside." She begged him. 

"He almost killed you last time, I'm not losing you." Aegon corrected. 

"Wonderful,  Cregan, shall we destroy them once and for all?" Daemon questioned. Cregan pulled his blade out and nodded. 

"To ending this, once and for all." Cregan agreed. Davina didnt move, Daemon spun the blade in his hand as he stepped forward. Aegon tensed beside her. Davina locked eyes with Cregan and he winked back at her from behind Daemon. 

Daemon saw the blade wrap around his neck a moment too late. He sliced deep, to the bone, Daemon gurgled down breath using his fall to ram his own blade in Cregan's side but he was quick enough to move out of the way but he still felt the sting of the blade tearing through his flesh. 

Davina couldnt move. Aegon moved cautiously to Cregan as Daemon bled out before them. 

"My king." Cregan remarked handing over Daemon's blade. Aegon took it, dark sister. Davina took shaky steps towards them. Daemon was dead. Daemon was dead. 

"My queen." Cregan said softly. Davina knelt beside Daemon closing his violet eyes. Daemon was her twin, she never could have killed him because he was a part of her. She rose up and aegon handed over Daemon's blade. 

"You are bleeding.' Davina remarked nodding to Cregan's side. 

"Just a flesh wound." Cregan assured. 

"You knew..." Davina realized. 

"That you couldnt kill your brother?" Cregan mused. Davina gave a stiff nod as she looked down at the blade. "He's your twin. I think him killing you was less terrifying then him trying to hurt your children."

"Thank you... I never thought murder would be so sad and sexy." Davina choked out. Cregan hugged her gently. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up." Davina suggested kissing his cheek. Fury came strutting up and whipped his tail as Caraxes before looking to Daemon. 

"Dracarys." Davina said weakly nodding to Daemon. Fury was oh so happy to demolish him into nothing.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now