17. Stop Kissing Me

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Davina had been in and out of consciousness for three days before she found the strength to get up. Cregan had been giving her doses of maester approved medication. A blend of herbs and poppy.

He felt strange putting the queen in the barn but he had heard of her temper. Her attitude. He also didnt want her to think she was trapped in a place stolen and being held hostage and go on a rampage or sorts. He knew of her previous burnt husbands and didnt want her to take out her frustrations on his people.

But if this was Davina Targaryen then she was the queen. The Queen. Unconscious in the Godswood... beaten and bloody. He wondered what in seven hells happened to her for her to get all the way here just days after her son's coronation.

"Go away! Stop kissing me!" Davina demanded as Luna jumped up on her. "Gods rip me open why dont you!"

"Luna. Here." Cregan demanded and Davina stiffened.  She didnt know that voice. She stood up on sore weak legs looked at the banages felt the sticky ointments on her skin her cuts as she moved to the barn door.

"Welcome back to the land of the living!" Cregan declared. Davina hesitated leaning on the wall of the barn taking heavy breaths. She blinked the sleep from her eyes wiped at her face annoyed. She let out a hiss of a breath as she moved forward. Davina sighed looking for the voice through the snow. Cregan took a slow step towards her.

"You gonna come out?" Cregan questioned and davina peered back at him leaning on the barn door.

"Where the hell am I?" Davina countered feeling the brisk air of the fucking north.

"Winterfell. Welcome my queen". Cregan purred.


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"Winterfell..." Davina repeated and Luna jumped up closing the door on Davina. "Wolf." She realized. "Not a dog."

"Not a dog. A direwolf." Cregan agreed. "Your grace this is Luna. Although Luna has been an excellent caretaker to you over the past few days and knows you quite well."

"Days?" Davina questioned. "I need to get home. My kids need me." Davina declared but as she pushed open the door she stumbled forward  falling not strong enough. Cregan ran to her keeping her upright.

"Easy girl. Your injuries were extensive." Cregan remarked

"Did you just talk to me like Im a horse?" Davina questioned incredulously. Cregan chuckled getting her inside. "Rude." Davina added.

"Im not wrong though. You shouldnt be up."

"And the reason you put me in the barn?" Davina countered. 

"Your temper is know throughout the realms." Cregan offered innocently.

"Wow. Thanks. Okay..." davina let out a pained breath as she allowed him to help her inside winterfells castle. "Did you happen to see my dragon? His name is fury."

"Did I see a dragon in the snow? Only you your grace." Cregan corrected.

"Call me Davina or you get to see my temper first hand." Davina warned.

"Im helping you," cregan reminded her. "My name is Cregan Stark by the way." 

"And I need to get home. My kids need me."

"You can barely walk its over a moons journey riding the fastest of horses back to the capital. Longer injured and even longer-"

"Thats why I need Fury." Davina rasped desperately. "I need to know hes okay. He was hurt too."

"You're worried about a dragon?"

"Hes my baby. My first baby." Davina agreed. "I have known him all my life. My first fucking word was Fury." Davina declared. "Hes my family. I need him." Cregan watched Davina as her chest rose and fell through a sobbing breath trying to be strong.

"Ah her majesty is awake." Sara Snow declared.

"Sara this is Davina. Davina this is my little sister Sara." Cregan introduced.

"Hello your grace."

"Hey tell your sister what I told you while I pass out." Davina pondered her head spinning her body throbbing.

"Call her Davina." Cregan agreed with a smile but then he realized Davina was serious.

"Catch her you fool! Thats the queen!" Sara declared and Cregan caught her picking her up. "Look at you big bro. Aparently you can make a woman swoon... and faint... and drop dead before you."

"Shut up." Cregan grumbled. "Lets get her in a room get her cleaned up." Luna ran down the halls yipping as she went.


When Davina woke she was in a bed clothes and a brush on the table beside her. Her eyes drifted to the door to see Cregan. Luna jumped up on the bed.

"Much better than a barn." Davina offered as Luna licked at her face. "What is your wolfs problem?"

"She likes you." Cregan remarked.

"Why?" Davina countered.

"Wolves have a good judge of character." Cregan offered.

"She doesnt know me."

"She senses it." Cregan offered.

"I think her sense are off. Ive been know to be a bitch." Davina corrected. Cregan laughed out.

"Never thought someone in your position would admit to that." Cregan remarked.

"And what position is that?" Davina mused.

"The queen. But I suppose you are compromised at the moment." Cregan teased. .

"Im injured. Not compromised." Davina corrected.

"WHat happened to you?" Cregan pondered as he set a tray of food in front of her. 

"My grandsons- Gah-" A shiver went through her spine. 

"What's wrong?" Cregan questioned and she saw worry in his face. Maybe he didnt want the queen to die at winterfell, maybe he was just a good guy.

"Nothing. Just... My babies, the ones I gave life to do not have children but Viserys monster of a daughter has three wonderful sons that call me grandma." Davina clarified and Cregan chuckled. 

"You are much too young and way to sexy to be a grandmother." Cregan agreed. 

"Thank you." Davina replied as she pulled at the bread in front of her. Luna stared at the food resting her chin on Davina's lap, her tail wagging in hopes for a bite too. "But Jace, Luke and joff came home and... then Daemon came flying over and I was ready to kill him."

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now