37. Bitch You're Mine

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"Tell me about the north." Tommen requested.

"What is there to tell?" Davina mused. "I played in the snow, Fury got a new tail oh right, the big thing, I knew I was forgetting something. I fucked Cregan Stark."

"You what?" Tommen's jaw dropped.

"Wow, would you look at the time?" Davina countered yawning out.

"You- and Cregan Stark?"

"He's handsome." Davina agreed. "He was sweet too and his little sister is- okay I know he is young but like... he knew what he was doing."  Tommen covered his face with his hands.

"I dont want to know anymore." Tommen decided.

"You were too slow Tom, could have been you," Davina remarked.

"Really?" TOmmen countered eagerly. Davina shrugged.

"We will never know now."

Davina yawned out stretching her arms and giving tommens shoulder a squeeze.

"I missed you Tom."

"I missed you Dav... we will talk more in the morning. Oh and Dav-" Tommen began as he got up. She looked to him through the flicker of candles. "You have some really amazing kids."

"I really do." Davina agreed smiling down at Aemond in her arms.

Davina woke with Aemond drooling on her stomach. She smiled running a hand through his hair. She tried to move but he wasnt her little baby anymore he had his arms locked around her and she chuckled kissing the top of his head. He was still her baby boy.

"I missed you, honey." Davina whispered and his eyes peeled open. He stared at her like he forgot she was here. Like it was all a dream. Then his handsome smile appeared and he hugged her tighter cutting off circulation in the process. "To tight honey, I put on some winter weight." she mused.

"I almost thought I dreamt it." Aemond remarked.

"That would be something else, you and I having the same dream of a homecoming." Davina agreed.

"Dont ever leave again."

"Can I get up to use the chamber pot?" Davina countered and Aemond let her go after kissing her cheek.

"I missed you."

"I missed you and you smashed my bladder so..."

"Right sorry." Aemond agreed getting up.


"Pee first then kiss you!" Davina corrected pointing to Visenya. She flopped down beside Aemond as Davina ran off.

"I'm glad she is back, I had a dream that she was back and I was like wait, did that happen? You know when I woke up and Baelon agreed and Alyssa too and then I was like woah!" Visenya declared. "She's here."

"She is here." Aemond agreed.

"Okay," Davina wiped her hands on her pants before holding her hands out. Visenya ran to her. "I missed all my babies so much!"

Davina got the run down on what happened and where Sunfyre was.

"Heavens." Davina murmured getting up.

"Mum... What are you doing?" Aegon questioned limping after her. "Where are you going?"

"Baby, you stay put." Davina instructed putting a hand on Aegon's shoulder. "Stay... good Dragon." she coed.

"Mum!" Aegon demanded.

"I'm checking on Sunfyre," Davina remarked. "Seeing the damage."

"We kept gaurd there to bring him food and make sure no one tries anything." Aegon added.

"I know and that was a great idea." Davina assured. "But the dragons are my babies too, you remember when you met Sunfyre?" Aegon nodded.



Davina had never really cared about other dragons. Yes, she loved all dragons but to go out and find a dragon, think it beautiful and stunning and perfection. Nope. That was Fury. She hadnt cared about finding and claiming other dragons until she had children of her own. They needed dragons.

But when Sunfyre landed in kings landing, the first thing Davina thought was, damn he's tiny. He wasnt tiny but to Davina he was, with his thin wings and legs, his coloring matched the sun. He had a long nose and stared back at them.

Aegon being fearless like Davina and marched forward.

"Aegon my love be careful," davina requested.

"I'm a man mama." Aegon declared.

"You are a man when I tell you are." Davina corrected. "And I'm still the boss so be careful... Gods this must have been how my parents felt." Davina muttered.

"Hey, Sunfyre, you and me man." Aegon declared.

"Thats one way to do it." Davina agreed.

"Hey, hey, look at me! You and me!" Aegon shouted. "You are mine now! Got it dude?"  Davina doubled over laughing.

"You and me dude!" Davina agreed through a fit of giggles.

"Mum, whats the word again?" Aegon questioned.

"Bitch you're mine now." Davina informed him and Aegon nodded turning back to Sunfyre before glancing back at Davina.

"I know you are lying but I'm gonna say it anyways." Aegon assured.

"Dont tell your father." Davina agreed and Aegon saluted her.

"Bitch you're mine now!" Aegon shouted.


"Fuck it..." Davina murmured turning around. "Hey, whats up Vis? Look! A dragon, fun!"

"What are you teaching him?" Viserys countered.

"We are claiming a dragon, right Aegon?"

"Right mama!" Aegon agreed. "You and me dude, you and me Sunfyre, come on. Come on!"  Viserys sighed shaking his head.

"You want to teach him? Be a teacher Vis." Davina gestured for Viserys to step forward.

'' Dohaeras,''  VIserys told Aegon.

"Dohaeras!" Aegon shouted. ''Dohaeras, Sunfyre!'' Aegon smiled back at Davina.

"Keep eye contact with Sunfyre." Davina instructed and Aegon nodded turning back to Sunfyre.

"Dohaeras!" Aegon demanded and Sunfyre looked between them.

"Lykiri." Viserys instructed.

''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' Aegon shouted jumping up and down. ''Lykiri. Lykiri!'

"We got another dragon." Viserys whispered against davina.

"About damn time." Davina agreed. "Good job Aegon, come on love, lets go for a ride." Aegon climbed up as Sunfyre bowed before Aegon. "Fury! Sesīr kipi!"


"You and me dude." Aegon whispered at the memory.

"I'm going to check on him, I will be right back... see if I can't help him." Davina remarked kissing Aegon's head. "Stay put."

"I'm coming with." Aemond corrected following her out.

"Yeah, you best I dont know where I'm going." Davina agreed.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now