22. Meet The Wolves

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Hands to Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia Martell out now!!

Sara almost fainted when she saw Fury. She was so excited, he was so beautiful. Then once she regained her composure she wanted Fury to meet the wolves. Meeting the wolves was not something Cregan thought should ever happen. Dragons were the apex predator. 

Fury was very intrigued with the Wolves. Luna ran up to Fury weaving between his legs. Cregan hesitated nervously, he knew dragons ate creatures, lambs, horses, anything they wanted to a wolf would be nothing, a smile fry and chop snack for Fury but Davina sat beside Fury and didnt seem too concerned. 

Luna sat beside Davina protectively and Cregan smiled, Luna already felt her claim on Davina. Fury didnt like that though. He snarled at Luna and she jumped up running in circles, Fury sat laying beside Davina when Luna came back up she lay before Fury happily, tail wagging excited to meet a new friend. 

Fury sniffed her curiously. 

"He's not going to get my pup is he?" Cregan questioned trying not to show his fear

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"He's not going to get my pup is he?" Cregan questioned trying not to show his fear. 

"No." Davina answered immediately. "Fury doesnt eat pets." Cregan nodded moving to one of Sara's journals. He needed to get to work on a tail for Fury, he thought keeping a dragon and his dragon mother happy was top priority, and working on a wing would make Davina happy. Even though he knew once the wing was done, if it worked they would be gone for good and he really didnt want Davina to leave anytime soon. 

As much as Davina needed to go home, she needed to heal, and now that Fury was back and injured Davina knew that Fury needed time to heal as well.

"Quite the artist cregan

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"Quite the artist cregan." Davina remarked coming up behind him. He jumped dropping his led.

"Just a draft." Cregan declared. Davina hummed a response. "I need to take proper measurements... can you... help me with that?" 

"Sure," davina agreed breezily as she moved to Fury. 

"Oh right now..." Cregan realized as he followed her. Fury always kept a weary eye on Cregan. Cregan understood, he was getting closer, at least trying to get closer to Davina and Fury was a protective Dragon but Cregan hoped Davina was right and Fury wouldnt be eating him for kicks. 

"Fury, be a man and not a baby about this." Davina instructed and he laid down. "Dont move your tail please." she added. 

"Can he understand you?" Sara questioned. Cregan wanted to say Sara thats private but he was interested to know too. 

"I think so," Davina offered. "We have been together since I was baby, he knows me better than anyone else. Not even Viserys or children know me as good as Fury does." 

Viserys, Viserys... Davina sighed at the thought of him. 


"At the gates, House martell." They looked at the red sun with the golden spear on the banner. 

"They are mothers friends." Aemond recalled. "Tommen?"

"Yes prince Tommen Martell." Aegon agreed. 

"Hello your grace." Tommen remarked as he stepped forward. "My name is Prince Tommen Martell of Dorne." 

"Be welcome." Aegon remarked extending a hand. "My mother speaks fondly of you." 

"Thank you, your grace." Tommen looked around, Davina was his eldest friend, when he heard that the king was dead, he wrote back immediately and they took off. Tommen knew that Davina was head over heels in love with Daemon for years but that she finally moved on. He loved that she did. He also knew that Daemon would want the crown. Didnt know if Davina was strong enough to handle her twin. 

"I'm Visenya and this is Baelon." Visenya remarked jabbing a thumb at Baelon. 

"Hello my prince, my name is Alyssa." The children went around introducing themselves to Tommen but still no Davina in sight. 

"Please so meet you all, I corresponded with Davina about you often." Tommen informed them. "Where is your mother?"

"We dont know." Aemond whispered. 

"You dont know?" Tommen countered confused. 

"She took off, to handle Daemon but she never came back." Aegon informed him. Tommen's face paled. 

"I know you must have a lot to do here-" Tommen remarked after he remembered how to breathe. "-but I would like to go to dragonstone, fight for you and your mother, see what happened." TOmmen requested. 

"We need you here for now." Aegon corrected. "We are striking dragonstone," Aegon assured. "We are creating a plan, as my hand of the king suggested, my mother wouldnt want us chasing after her and losing ourselves, our heads in the process. She is a strong woman. We fight for our home so she has something to come back to." 

"You are a wise king already Aegon." Tommen decided. "I see I chose right putting my trust in you."

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now