34. Blood & Cheese

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Davina was up with the sunrise. She looked over at Cregan and his eyes peeled open, he offered her a small smile. He knew this was what she wanted but now that she was going to get it, going to go home, both of them wanted to stop time for a bit and just live in this moment.  Davina got dressed and Luna whined at the bottom on the bed, like she knew too that she was losing her snuggle buddy. 

"I'm going to miss you most." Davina assured scratching the place between Luna's long ears and under her chin. Cregan watched them a moment longer before he forced himself to put his shoes on. Davina was of fire and yet she fit so perfectly in the north, in the snow and ice and Cregan knew nothing would ever be the same, look the same now that he had her in his chambers, now that Fury had lived in the old stables, he would see her everywhere. 

"You have a saddle bag now, I was..." Cregan cleared his throat holding out the blue dress. "To remember us by." 

"Keep it." Davina corrected. "It's too warm for the south and you never know when I might be back and in need of a dress." She remarked, giving them both some false hope for the future. Davina knew realistically, Cregan would be wed before the time she came back again but she could pretend that a handsome, charming, skilled man such as Cregan wasnt about to find the love of his life while she was going dealing with Daemon and raising her children. 

Now that the tail worked and Fury could fly again, Davina could go home. Cregan watched as Sara clung to Davina.

"Visit us soon!" Sara begged.

"I will try." Davina agreed. "You and your brother are welcome south you can even stay in the palace." Davina offered.

"really?" Sara declared.

"I know that king." Davina agreed. She missed her babies. But she was going to miss this place.

"What are you going to do first?" Sara questioned. 

"My family need me." Davina remarked. Davina moved to Cregan wrapping her arms around him, he breathed her in one last time. "Thanks for everything cregan."

"Thanks for everything?" He chuckled back. "Make me feel like a whore Davina." Cregan remarked.

"Nonsense whores are paid im not paying you." Davina teased kissing him again.

"Will i ever see you again?" Cregan whispered. "Honestly?"

"I hope so." Davina agreed kissing his cheek before pulling away. "Take care of your brother for me Sara. You two, take care of each other..." 

Cregan watched her take flight watched Fury glided into the clouds and then they were gone. He stared at the spot where they were where they disappeared for what felt like an eon.

 He stared at the spot where they were where they disappeared for what felt like an eon

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"No more snow fury." Davina remarked as she looked down. Fury grumbled in response. "I miss them too but Winterfell was never going to be home..." Another grumble. "You never know when I might need another set of hands to make dragon saddles or wings." Davina offered running her nails over the scales of his neck. 


Daemon was going to send people into the castle to cause chaos but then he thought, what better way to do it then to do it himself. But he couldnt go on dragon back, that would be too obvious, he didnt have the patience for riding into town undetected. He went back to his initial plan. 

Joffrey screamed. 

"Is he petrified of spiders like Davina used to be?" Tommen questioned as Aemond got up from the table. 

"Not that I'm aware of." Aemond countered running down the halls.  Criston and Tommen followed after him. 

Orders were the Targaryen children, not the lord Strong boys but Daemon also said, so be it if they perish. Blood and his pal Cheese looked as the screaming little boy and groaned. 

"We arent getting paid enough for this." Blood remarked. 

"We arent getting paid at all, are you getting paid?" Cheese countered. "Daemon said do it because of loyalty and bullshit. Are you getting coin?"

"Yeah. Because I'm the head man." Blood agreed. "You dont pay the street rats." 

"You are a street rat as much as I!" Cheese shouted shoving him back and Joffrey stumbled away from them. "I should be making just as much as you are for killing royalty."

"Prince Daemon didnt think so!" Blood cackled back. 

"They are in there!" Joffrey whimpered clinging to Jace. "They are going to kill us!" Jace looked to Aemond confused. "Daemon sent them." Now it made sense.

"Protect your siblings, make sure there are not more." Criston instructed. Aemond opened his mouth to object but Criston pushed ahead and TOmmen did the same, Aemond didnt like to be babied, he was a skilled warrior but his siblings could be in Danger. 

"Come on, lets make sure the rest of the castle is secure. Go to Aegons room, get luke and the twins on your way, I will find Alyssa." Aemond demanded and Jace ran off with Joffrey clinging to him. "Jace-" Aemond called after him. "Stuck them with the pointy end." Aemond teased. 

"I know what I'm doing." Jace assured. 

"Daemon sent you to kill his own nieces and nephews." Tommen spat blade digging into Cheese's throat. 

"Paid this one but not me!" Cheese agreed. 

"Not the fucking time!" BLood countered. 

"WHy?" Criston demanded. 

"Wanted to hit his sister where it hurt." Blood answered. 

"The queen-"

"Isnt here, she is probably dead. I know but it doesnt make sense to us either, we dont ask questions." Blood agreed. 

"I should start asking questions." Cheese grumbled. 

"The queen isnt dead." Tommen corrected as they sliced the men's throats. "Davina isnt dead."

"Castle secure!" 

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