50. Hard Yes

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After the wedding Alyssa and Jace were happy to consummate their union. While everyone else found their way to their own chambers for a drunken happy sleep.

"Night, night, night," MD said waving bye as Tommen carried her off.

"The happy couple, off to make you a grandmother." Seamus remarked, Davina nudged him as he filled her glass. "Great grandmother- wow you are old." Davina kissed his cheek before finishing her drink.

"Careful, Fury missed you." Davina teased.

"This is a really comfortable pillow." Aegon mused.

"Get this lug off of me!" Baelon demanded. It was definitely bed time.

"I got him." Seamus offered moving to Aegon.

"He's killing me!" Baelon declared. "Killed by the king, at a wedding! Argh! Squishing me!"

"I got him, I got him, so dramatic like your mother." Seamus teased.

"I think its past everyone's bed times." Davina offered as she wrapped an arm around Visenya. "Cregan, dont go anywhere." Davina begged grabbing his hand as she passed.

"I'm not going anywhere." Cregan assured.

"I got her." Sara assured as she held to Visenya's hand.

"My new sister!" Visenya agreed happily as they ran off,

"Cregan... you will never believe who just gave me a his blessing." Davina remarked spinning into his arms. Aemond loved his mother, it was no surprise to anyone. Davina was his favorite person in the world. So of course he was protective of her. Of course he wanted her to be happy and in love but seeing Cregan leaning into Davina, hands on her hips... he didnt like that. But he wanted her to be happy and knew that Cregan made her smile.

"Aegon, no, Aegon likes me." Cregan remarked. "Baelon... Aemond." Cregan realized. Davina hummed her agreement. "For me? Blessing for me?" he needed clarification.

"I know and Aemond is a hard yes to get. He was ready to kill my brother for me. So him saying you were alright, thats huge." Davina informed him.

"And what about you?" Cregan questioned. "Hard yes from you?" Davina chuckled bumping her hip against his cock.

"Someone is hard, it isnt me." Davina mused. He held her closer and she laughed out kissing him.

"You want me to get down on my knee? I will get down on two knees and beg you," Cregan informed her. "I am not above begging for you, Davina," Cregan declared.

"What do you think Cregan? You could be the seventh husband of Davina Targaryen."

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