16. Frozen North

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Fury wailed out and the momentum was too much. Spinning and spinning crashing and falling. She flew off Furys back in a haze and hit every damn tree on the way down before she landed with a bone breaking thud on the cold hard ground.

Davina gasped for breath rolling to her back. She felt her body broken she was ready to die there.

"Fury!" Davina rasped out. "F-f-fury!" She whimpered unable to take a full breath. She sat up and felt her dislocated shoulder a rib piercing inward saw the laceration on her leg and her arm another blink of blood dripping into her eye. She wiped her face feeling the gash along her head. She pulled back quickly feeling the sting of the pain.

She tried to pop her shoulder back into place. She pulled herself up. Looking around for fury for fire for smoke any sign of him anywhere but if she saw snow.

She had to get up. If she didn't she would die here and she would never see her children again. That was a horrifying thought. She took a step and felt her knee give out and drop back down to a knee. The cuts on her hands and arms felt nice in the snow. She had to push herself up again. A her lips escaped her lips as she pulled herself back up.

"Fury!" She begged. "Fury! Please..." she whimpered. She took shaky steps forward getting lost in the snowy haze around her. She felt pale and broken. She was dizzy and her eyes staggered. "Fury? Please be okay..." davina sobbed out.

Fury was her first baby. Had been with her forever. She couldn't lose everyone. She couldn't die here alone not without knowing that her family was sick she couldn't die and leave this world knowing that her children were fending for themselves. Not knowing where fury was. knowing he was hurt and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he was dying was already dead somewhere and it was her fault. If she had just been strong enough and things there and then. She would be having homemade fury would be safe for children would be safer no she was weak. Maybe the council was right maybe she couldn't do this. She just hope she raised her children well enough to survive in this world without her. But she prayed for them. Prayed she would be able to go home to be with them. Prayed.

A taste of blood bathed her every breath as the air scratched her lungs, and she panted with each painstaking step taking her as far away as she never had been. Her mind emptied of all thoughts but one: where the hell am I? Davina looked around feeling the cold northern snow.

Gods she was such a fool she thought as she pulled herself up again. Daemon always thought he was the sun and everything was revolving around him, Davina thought as her head spun and she stumbled among the snow. Fury nowhere in sight.

Rhaenyra got everything she thought she wanted and it was a fluke. The fantasy was better than the reality of Daemon which if Rhaenyra would have just listened to Davina in the first place and not pretended to care she would've seen all and Rhaenyra would've known. Then maybe she wouldnt be in The middle of nowhere without her dragon bleeding out broken and surely concussed.

It felt like gravity. Daemon had pulled Davina in immediately And everyone had watched her drift away. Got lost in someone's outer space. Davina never fell carefully and Daemon never made any apologies for breaking her heart.

Davina gave her fragile heart away. Daemon left it there in outer space. And Davina knew from experience that it felt like the air was getting thin.

She wouldnt feel bad for the monsters. After all the hell they put her through she hoped Rhaenyra got to see first hand got to feel the sting of his indifference about her. Daemon would use her just like he used everyone else... why didnt she have the damn strength to kill him? She hated him. She hated them both and yet that little tug on her heart just wanted him to disappear. She didnt want to be the one to kill him. She should have. Because now she was going to die in the frozen fucking north.

She swore that she got breath on her hot breath on her face as she collapsed into the snow. It almost looked like fury. All black but a blur. She reached out a hand feeling soft fur as her eyes flickered closed.

Cregan heard a howl his wolf had found something.

"Good girl luna." Cregan praised as he follow the echo of her howl through the snowy fortress. "What did you find?"

Luna nudged at Davina and Cregans eyes went wide.

" I was hoping for deer." He admitted with a chuckle then he bent down checking for a pulse. Thats when he saw the dirty bloody silver hair. "Can't eat a princess... or Luna did you find us a wandering queen?" Luna waged her tail her tongue hung out in a happy pant. "Lets get her back. Clean her up see if we cant help her." Luna ran ahead as Cregan picked her up. Davinas head tipped back arms limpy hung down as he brought her back.


Davina woke in a barn of all places. A dog sniffed at her as she pushed the blanket off herself.

"Go away

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"Go away." Davina shooed a hand at Luna but luna wagged her tail licking at Davinas cheek. "Go away please. Im in a nightmare right now." Davina remarked. "Fuck is this a dream? Did my fury turn into a damn dog?" Luna spun around chasing her tail. "Fucking hell." Davina grumbled pulling the blanket over herself. Luna yipped out and Davina groaned feeling sick and still in so much pain.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now