20. Ravens

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"And its still a long ass journey to the capital."

"Dont remind me." Davina grumbled as she sunk into the water. Cregan headed out and thought he was an idiot falling for the queen. Yet he wanted her closer. He wanted to know her more and knew that this was on temporary but still he wanted more of her.

Davina didnt know how long she stayed in the tub for, she held her breath and closed her eyes, the water moved ever so slightly around her. When she finally pulled up she sucked in a breath of cold fresh air. PUlled herself from the water and dripped onto the floor.

Frozen north of all the places in the world... why not south? Why couldnt fury go south? She could have been with Tommen right now but she supposed the Starks were a good second place alternative.

Davina took her time getting changed a towel wrapped around her hair, another one around her body as she dabbed at the creams and tonics for her wounds Cregan had left, she blew gently on it glancing over her shoulder as there was a knock on the door. It was small and soft and she assumed it was Cregan, but it was Sara.

"Your grace," Sara called through the door.

"Come on in Sara." Davina answered. Sara opened the door giddy, the queen was in her home, this was the most exciting thing that ever happened ever.

"My brother said you needed some parchment and ink." Sara put it down along with some tea.

"Thank you Sara." davina pulled her towel from her hair, sara looked just as hypnotized as Cregan. But for a very different reason.

"You are so beautiful." Sara said taking a step closer. "I love your hair."

"I like your hair." Davina remarked.

"Oh, mine is just black but yours is so beautiful." Sara declared.

"You are kind Sara... you are beautiful too." Davina assured and Sara blushed. "you got a boyfriend a suitor up here in the frozen north?"

"I'm a bastard." Sara corrected.

"Being a bastard is that a new anti marriage law I havent heard of, I only pay attention to half the council meetings. "Davina mused and Cregan stopped in the doorway.

"No but who would want me?" Sara offered.

"Your name doesnt change who you are." Davina assured. "If anything you had to work harder, be smarter and stronger than your brother because he- one is a male and lets face it they have it easier." Sara chuckled. "And two, a full Stark. But honey, dont let your Snow title make you feel diminished. Because you are perfect."

"Thank you, your grace." Sara declared.

"Please, call me Davina."

"Thank you, Davina... I will let you finish getting changed." Sara offered as she moved to the door. "Back off Cregan, she's my friend, I call dibs."

"You can't call dibs on Davina." Cregan corrected.

"DIBS!" Sara corrected and Davina stifled a laugh as they discussed in the doorway. "She's mine!"

"Gods Sara," Cregan mumbled.

"Hey while you are lurking," Davina remarked as she slipped on a dress. "I need your raven."

"We... we..." Cregan hesitated. Sara ran off.

"I'll check." Sara assured and Davina rose a curious brow. But she finished getting ready and got to work on the letter to her family letting them know she was okay. When Sara returned she shook her head nervously.

"Your grace."

"Almost done." Davina remarked. "Oh, look at this cute stamp," Davina remarked fondly as she looked at the stark sigil. She poured a bit of wax down and stamped it closed. "Okay, take me to the ravens please."

"We dont have any ravens right now." Cregan remarked and Davina blinked back at him.

"What do you mean you dont have any ravens?" Davina questioned.

"We are supposed to be getting a shipment within the fortnight." Sara remarked and Davina gawked back at her.

"You two are saying words that dont make any sense." Davina decided.

"We are far out, we dont get the same shipments as you do in the capital." Cregan offered.

"But ravens are important." Davina remarked. "Like for when queens drop from the sky and need to tell her family that she is safe!" Davina demanded.

"I'm so sorry Davina, as soon as they come in I will send it out." Cregan assured.

"I need to tell my family I'm okay." Davina corrected. "I need to tell them now."

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now