40. They Have Each Other

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Mirrorball / Sansa Stark Out now!

To say Cregan was intimidated would be an understatement. Not only was he reunited with Davina but he got to meet her whole family. All while the castle was under lock down because of the threats from dragonstone from rhaenyra and Daemon. Yet they got a moment of peace.

The council still thought that the remaining houses would bend with a married union. Cregan's ears perked as he moved out of the banquet hall. Sara was talking with Davina's children like they were long lost siblings, she acted like she knew them her whole life. But that was sara, she was sweet, she was kind, she loved everyone, trusted everyone. Wanted a big family like this of her own one day. Hoped her brother didnt mess things up with Davina and that she could truly be a part of this family. 

"No, no, we need-" Cregan heard the murmurs of houses still loyal to Rhaenyra.

"The queen won't agree."

"She needs to, it will do everyone some good to end this." 

"The war isnt over until Daemon is dead." 

Cregan leaned back his ears perked at Daemon's name and he could Davina's did to. Her glass shook, a brief hesitation that most wouldnt notice but Cregan had yet to take his eyes off of her, so he saw. 

"The queen can't kill her brother, her twin. SHe had the chance-" 

Davina pushed herself up from her chair and moved to the door. She glared at the men slamming the door closed. She heard the murmur of sorry your grace as it slammed. The rest of the room went silent the only sound was Davina's heels on the ground as she walked back to them. 

She sat beside Aegon, her hand rubbed against her forehead trying to rub away the uncertainty of the future. 

"Mum?" Aegon whispered. Davina reached out running her fingers through his hair. 

"It's getting late." Davina remarked. "We should get the Stark's settled for the night." 

"I will show Sara to her chambers." Visenya offered as she grabbed Sara's hand. 

"I will find Stark a room." Criston assured. Davina opened her mouth of object but Aegon tugged on her hand keeping her beside him. 

"Thank you Criston." Davina agreed and Cregan nodded to her as Visenya ran off with Sara talking a million miles a minute. 

"Goodnight your grace." Cregan agreed. 

"Thank you... for coming." Davina added meeting his gaze. 

"When the queen asks for a favor you dont say no." Cregan mused. 

"I dont like that word." Davina agreed. "Thank you all the same." He nodded to her. "Night Cregan." Davina kissed Baelon and Alyssa goodnight, Aemond lingered by the fire as Criston escorted Cregan out. 

"Night Tom, Seamus." Davina tipped her head to them. 

"Um I need details." Seamus corrected. 

'Later.' Davina mouthed. 

"You better." Seamus agreed. 

"Aegon honey, is something wrong?" Davina questioned. 

"I was really worried about you." Aegon remarked as everyone started heading out. 

"I'm sorry, I just saw Sunfyre and thought it was best to get Cregan, he did such a good job with Fury and... I should have told you we were going to be gone all day." Davina admitted. She had people depending on her, worried about her, she wasnt a child anymore. She had people looking out for her. She couldnt just pick up and leave for the day like when she was little. 

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now