36. Discuss it Over Cake

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"AEGON!" Davina declared running to his side. "What the hell happened?"

"Mama, you're back!" Aegon countered but as he tried to get up his face pinched.

"AEGON!" Davina demanded.

"Just a few broken bones, hey, I'm fireproof like you, thats fun." Aegon offered.

"Aemond what happened?" Davina demanded as she gently cradled Aegon to her.

"We killed Rhaenys, she attacked on Meleys and things got-" Aemond began but Davina's pursed lips and wide eyes made him falter.

"I told you not to do anything reckless and stupid and you could have died!" Davina declared tears in her eyes.

"What king of king am I if I hide away, run from problems like Rhaenyra ran all those years ago when things got hard?" Aegon countered.

"I saved the day." Alyssa remarked. "Mum!"

"You were there?" Davina countered pulling Alyssa to her.

"Yeah, you are back?"

"Yeah." Davina agreed. "And- Tommen?"

"Hey Dav." Tommen agreed.

"I- I am going to need to circle back to oh my Gods you are finally fucking here after how many years... okay? okay." Davina remarked turning her attention back to Aegon and Alyssa.

"Clearly i'm fine." Aegon offered and Davina pat his thigh. "Ow, stop okay, thats a lie."

"I'm glad you are okay but-"

"Grandma!" Jace and LUke declared.

"Hi boys, I have to be mad at Aegon a moment longer." Davina remarked as she hugged them. "Aegon."

"Sorry mama." Aegon agreed slumping back into his pillow.

"But you... are no longer a baby, you are the king and even though it scares me to death you risking your life you are right..." Davina admitted. "Just dont do it again." She begged.

"Thanks mum." Aegon said as she kissed his cheek. She turned back to Jace and Luke.

"I need another hug." she declared snuggling them to her. "Joffrey, hi honey-"

"We had an intruder in the castle." Joffrey remarked running up to her.

"I leave and everything goes to hell." Davina agreed.

"We got them." Criston assured.

"And the tunnels are secure from what Prince Tommen and I found." Seamus agreed. "It's good to have you back, Dav."

"Good to be back." Davina agreed. "Now, catch me up, clearly I missed a lot."

"Over cake?" Visenya questioned.

"Definitely catch me up over cake." Davina agreed and that is just what they did and by the end of the night the kids were tucked away in bed, fast asleep except for Aemond.

Davina lay back on her couch, Aemond lay back snuggled in her lap, his head on her breast, her arms draped around him when Tommen came in.

"You finally come to visit me and i'm not here."

"I finally come to visit you and you are not here." Tommen agreed. "Mind if I join you two?" Davina ran her fingers through Aemond's hair.

"He's almost asleep." Davina offered nodding to the spot beside her.

"Am not." Aemond mumbled his eyes closed. Davina leaned her head down pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"I missed this, holding my babies," Davina whispered. "Gods Tommen you got old."

"So did you." Tommen countered and they shared a laugh. "I missed you Dav."

"I was busy ruling the realms, what was your sorry ass excuse?" Davina pondered. "Not visiting your best friend?"

"Well, nothing much, oh lets see..." TOmmen brought a hand to his chin and gave a few taps. "I had a daughter, named her after my favorite person ever and the mother died in childbirth, I thought I was going to lose my mind-"

"You had a kid and didnt tell me?" Davina rasped. "TOmmen," she grabbed his hand. "I could have helped you."

"You were dealing with Viserys... his health and you had five children and there was me with this one little girl that I felt like I was failing..." Tommen countered. "I didnt want you to see me as a failure."

"You didnt write about her, I love your letters Tom, tell me about her." Davina requested tipping her head into her oldest friend.

"Her name is Davina Sand-"

"I hereby legitimize her." Davina cut in. Tommen chuckled. "I'm honored Tom, truly honored."

"She is four years old and if I didnt know any better I would think she was your daughter, Dav." Tommen remarked. "She sounds like you, talks and acts like you, she is a little fashionista like you were." Tommen remarked. "I tell her stories of you all the time, she wanted to come with but I said after the war."

"You should have brought her." Davina declared.

"You werent even here until a few hours ago." Tommen countered.

"Tommen, she's perfect and I want to meet my goddaughter." Davina demanded. "I can't believe you hid this from me, we tell each other everything."

"How did it go in the north?" Tommen countered trying to change the subject.

"No, no we are still talking about your prefect little Davina." Davina corrected.

"I call her Mini Dav sometimes when she is being too much like you for her own good." Tommen went on.

"What do you say?" Davina questioned closing her eyes, she felt Aemond's breathing steady against her, her hands trailed from his hair to his chest resting there.

" MD you can't have a dragon you are not targaryen-"

"Fuck that I want her to have an egg." Davina remarked. "My Goddaughter, my rules."

"MD you wore that dress with the sparkles three days in a row can we pick another? She answers I want to wear these shoes papa, I can't wear that dress and these shoes, heres a solution papa I need another sparkly red dress." TOmmen recalled his face dead panned.

"Thats wonderful and you need to get her all the Targaryen red dresses. I will fetch her on dragon back when this is done." Davina decided.

"Tell me about the north." Tommen requested.

"What is there to tell?" Davina mused. "I played in the snow, Fury got a new tail oh right, the big thing, I knew I was forgetting something. I fucked Cregan Stark."

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