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The very next day Alyarra was invited to tea with the Queen Alicent and the Princess Helaena.

Alyarra's lady-in-waiting, Catherryn, helped her get ready with a stunning green and gold dress. A dress that was truly fitting for a lady or a princess. Alyarra sat on her desk as Catherryn helped concoct a hairstyle on the girl's auburn locks of hair. Alyarra had asked for a braided hairstyle as that was Targaryen custom.

When Alyarra finished getting ready, she made her way down to the Queen's apartments, escorted by a guard. And as the doors opened, Alyarra's eyes traveled through the apartments, spotting Helaena and Alicent sitting together by a round table. They appeared to be waiting for the lady.

"Lady Alyarra, how gracious of you to join us on this fine day." The Queen Alicent stated as Alyarra curtsied and gave the queen a small smile.

"Thank you for the invite, your grace. You are kind to me." Alyarra responded sweetly as the queen smiled.

From what Alyarra could gather from the little time spent with the Queen, she was a kind woman but a stern one. Her icy eyes could make anyone terrified.

Alyarra moved to sit next to Helaena and across from the Queen. Helaena gave the girl a small nod and kept on fidgeting with the skin around her nails. Alyarra looked at the young princess but she did not look up at her, her eyes fixed on her lap.

"I had the cooks bake the very best desserts and the most savory tea for us. I am sure you will adore it." The Queen said as Alyarra smiled and looked at all the baked goods in front of her. They looked delicious.

The trio sat in silence for a brief moment as they each grabbed a pastry from the table and the tea was served by the maids of the Queen.

"So how have you been enjoying your time at the Capital?" Alicent asked Alyarra as she looked up from her tea and gave the queen a small smile.

"It has been a great time. A very welcome one." Alyarra stated and she meant it, for the most part.

It seemed that everyone except the man that was supposed to be courting her was excited for her to be at King's Landing.

Every Lord and Lady at court would rush to speak to the Lady Stark. Everyone wanted a piece of attention from the sister of Cregan Stark. They wanted to know about the North and where they stood in the bubbling conflict.

Except Aemond who acted like he could not care less.

Alyarra had decided to give him time, as she had just gotten to the capital. And truly she never really expected a marriage to form between the two, she was sure that after the courting ended she would be sent back to Winterfell.

"You know my father, the hand, and I are truly elated to form an allegiance between ourselves and the North. We are truly excited that you are here as I am sure that solidifies your brother's support of my house." Alicent suddenly stated as Alyarra stayed quiet.

The Queen was talking as if a marriage between Aemond and Alyarra was a set deal.

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The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now