Forty Two

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Aemond was gone to Rook's Rest within a night. And Alyarra was left to wallow and mourn alone in a castle with people that did not really like her or her last name. She did not leave her chambers, for days on end she stayed locked in them with her son.

And she cried for her best friend. Hours on end her screeching and wallows could be heard throughout the corridors of Maegor's Holdfast. Nobody visited, seldom for her sworn protector. Benjamin visited her frequently, he brought her food and snacks. And sometimes he brought her poppy milk to calm her down.

It was the only thing that would soothe her wallowing, milk of the poppy. She drank it almost every night, and if she did not drink it she could not go to sleep. It became addicting. It was the only thing that could mend her broken bones, even if it was for just a short amount of time.

Benjamin's care, kindness, and gentleness was more than welcome by Alyarra. "You've not eaten your lunch, my lady. And I have your supper." Benjamin would say as he entered her bedchamber once more.

Alyarra hummed in acknowledgment, yet she did not turn to look at him. She remained in her stance and staring at the wall as she thought of her Catherryn. She heard him set the plate down in the nightstand, and when she heard his footsteps shuffling to leave her alone; she finally spoke.

"Do not go. Please. I do not wish to be alone with my thoughts." Alyarra spoke in a quiet and meek voice. It was barely audible but enough for Benjamin to stop in his tracks. "Of course I will stay with you, my lady." He responded, and she heard him shuffling about once more.

Alyarra turned to Benjamin, and his eyes widened ever so slightly when he took in her face. Her undereyes were swollen from all of the crying, and her eyes were bloodshot red. Her face was wet with tears and her hair was matted beyond repair. Alyarra had been destroyed. When they took Catherryn, they took her soul. Now what remained was the shell of who Alyarra Stark was.

Benjamin locked eyes with her, and the lively and sweet girl he once knew was long gone. Her eyes were vacant, like there was nobody there. They were once sparkling, and now they were dull and void.

Benjamin did not get how the prince was able to leave his wife and go to war, especially when she was so battered and bruised. He would never understand who could leave Alyarra Stark. She was the kindest soul, with the face of an angel. How was the Prince Aemond such a fool when it came to his love? Benjamin was baffled.

"She was my best friend." Alyarra muttered. It had been a week since Catherryn was beheaded before her eyes, yet everyday she found herself talking of her with Benjamin. And he listened. And she would be eternally grateful for it.

"Lady Catherryn was good. She was kind and I know she loved you so much, my lady." Benjamin assured his lady with a comforting smile, trying to soothe her forever aching heart.

Catherryn was perfect, she was everything. She had been Alyarra's friend since they were just children, and her lady since they both turned ten. Catherryn was all Alyarra knew, she was family even if they were not of the same blood.

"I will never forgive myself for not being able to save her... for not being there for her when it truly counted." Alyarra broke down again in tears, her heart heavy as she thought of her best friend. They went through so much together. They were like sisters, raised together in the cold and finding warmth in each other.

Alyarra laid back down in the bed and cried into her pillow while Benjamin kept her company. He approached the bed and sat down by her frame, pulling her into a supportive hug. He knew he should not be doing this, he knew it was wrong... but it felt right in his heart. How could he possibly watch her break down and not hold her? Only the coldest of souls would ignore Alyarra Stark in her time of need.

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