Twenty Nine

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"I swear on the Old Gods and on the New that if something happens to my wife... I will fling that good for nothing Maester and the midwives out of the tallest tower of this fucking keep."

Aemond was pacing back and forth outside of his own chambers. His hands trembling as he awaited news from the Maester. He had never felt this anxious in his entire life, not since he was a child. He hated this fucking feeling more than anything.

"Nothing will happen to Alyarra. She will be fine. I bet the birth is almost over. The screaming has seized a bit, has it not?" Alicent tried comforting Aemond but clearly to no avail. The words only made his heart drop.

"WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD?!" Aemond yelled in fear as he brought his fist to the wall, making his sister flinch away from him and lean to her mother. Every member of the royal family, except for Aegon, was waiting eagerly for the birth of Aemond's child.

"Calm yourself, Aemond. I am sure that Alyarra will be alright." Otto told him. The truth was that Otto was almost as fearful of losing Alyarra as Aemond was. Just not for the same reason. If the Stark girl died, any hope of Cregan Stark backing the Greens would surely be thrown out of the window.

"She will be fine, brother. I can feel it." Helaena muttered as Aemond tried to calm his breathing.

He needed his wife to make it. He could not live without Alyarra Stark in his life. She was his world and his universe. She was his existence. If she died, he would die with her.

The door to the quarters opened, and Catherryn peeked her head outside and turned to Aemond.

"She's asking for you, Prince Aemond." Catherryn said hurriedly, and without a second thought Aemond was bursting in and basically sprinting to his wife.

"Darling!" Aemond exclaimed as he scattered to her side, dropping to his knees and grabbing Alyarra's hand in his. The lady was barely conscious, but the tears on her face broke Aemond's heart into a billion pieces.

"I can't do this..." She breathed out, almost being blinded by the pain she was feeling. She felt as if her insides were being ripped out of her own stomach, as if they were torturing her.

"You can, love. You are so strong and brave. I know you can do it." Aemond kissed at her hands as he reassured her. The prince turned to the maester who gave him a look of defeat, and this made Aemond's heart drop into the pits of his stomach.

"Prince Aemond... the babe is resisting. I-I think we might have to... cut into her." Orwyle suggested, making Alyarra shoot her eyes open and look at Aemond with straight fear in her eyes.

"No! Please Aemond! No! I don't want to die. Don't do this." Alyarra cried as she thrashed on the bed, kicking at the midwives.

Aemond looked at his wife and then at Orwyle. "Keep trying, the natural way. My wife will not be cut into like a sheep." Aemond ordered as he brought his hands to caress Alyarra's head in a soothing manner.

"I will never let anyone hurt you." He whispered and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Alyarra sobbed as she held unto her husband for dear life. The pain was unbearable, she honestly thought she was going to die.

"But my prince, it might be the only way to save your heir. If we keep trying the natural way, the babe might not survive." Orwyle pressed, making Aemond glare at the man.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now