Thirty One

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"Alyarra, wake up... They are requesting your presence in the council." Alyarra's eyes shot open at the sentence she never thought she would hear in her life. She gazed up at her husband who was already dressed for the day, and who was staring down at his wife with a worried expression on his face.

"W-What? Are you jesting? If you are, it is much too early for your nonsense." She stated and grabbed the duvet, turning away from Aemond only for him to tear it off her body. "I do not jest, Alyarra. It is serious. I do not know why but we have to appear." Alyarra frowned and looked at the window. It was too early. Why would they ask them to appear before the council?

"Has something happened?" She asked in a worried tone as she begrudgingly got out of bed and made way for her wardrobe, pulling out a plain dress to wear.

"I am not sure... I-I think so. Come on, make haste." Aemond ordered, making her roll her eyes slightly as he rushed her. They hadn't yet talked about their stupid fight yesterday, so the tension was ever so present in their bedchamber.

Alyarra got ready as fast as she could and soon, Aemond and herself were heading down to the council chamber. She had never even seen inside, and so the nerves were running through her body at full speed. When they finally arrived, Alyarra took a calming breath. Aemond looked down at his wife, and even if he knew she was angry with him, he still had her back. "Relax, love. I am here." He assured her as they entered.

They entered the chamber to find the council staring at them expectantly. Alyarra yelped and closed her eyes at the man that was seemingly passed out in his own pool of blood on the table. Was he dead?! What the hell was going on?

"We have been expecting you, Lady Alyarra." Otto Hightower spoke, making her more confused than she already was. Expecting her? What for? Had she done something to upset the council? The King?

She looked around and could only recognize Maester Orwyle, the Queen, Tyland Lannister, and Ser Otto. The other men were nobles whom she had never formed a relationship with or spoken to.

"Expecting my wife? Whatever is the meaning of this?" Aemond asked as he went to stand in front of his wife, shielding her from the men of the council. Alyarra looked at the Queen who was staring at nothing in particular, and who had a very solemn look on her face.

"The King Viserys has passed, Aemond." Otto spoke plainly and with little emotion, making Alyarra look up at Aemond to catch his reaction. But his face didn't really say much. It remained as stoic as could be.

"Pity." Aemond stated, making Alyarra frown at his nonchalantless but she composed herself quickly. "I-I-My condolences, and my prayers for the late King." She spoke timidly as all eyes fell on her.

"If my father is dead then why was my wife's presence requested? She has got nothing to do with this." Aemond spoke coldly whilst Alyarra gulped, her eyes darting to Otto Hightower who was already staring at her intently.

"His one final wish, Aemond, was for Aegon to take the throne after him..." Otto trailed off, and Alyarra sensed her husband tense up besides her. She still didn't know what this had to do with her.

"But we worry that the King's former heir will try and contest this happening. Most Great Houses pledged loyalty to the princess all of those years ago when King Viserys named her heir. One of those houses being House Stark." Alyarra realized his intentions rapidly.

Alyarra looked at Aemond in straight fear, and he looked down at her with an expression she couldn't quite read.

"That is where you come in, Lady Stark. Your house's loyalty to the future king will be rather vital and important when Aegon rises to power. With the Northern army, there will not be a soul to contest him." Otto spoke whilst her heart pounded in her chest. She gulped as she looked at the Queen, who couldn't even meet her eyes.

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