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"What is that?" The Prince Aegon asked the girl as he approached her, a look of distain clear on his face. Alyarra frowned as she noticed he was talking about the necklace Aemond had just gifted her.

"It is a gift from the Prince Aemond. It is beautiful, is it not?" Alyarra asked chirpily as Aegon shook his head in disgust. "It looks like a collar you would put on a hound." He pointed out as the lady pursed her lips together. That was rude.

"I am sorry if it's not to your liking, my prince. Although since it is a gift, your opinion of it is not much of importance to me." Alyarra stated as Aegon raised a brow in surprise.

"Wow...the wolf has claws. Finally, a lady that doesn't let me walk all over her." Aegon said as Alyarra gave him a look of disapproval.

"I don't reckon that ladies letting you walk all over them is a good thing." The lady stated as Aegon nodded. "Exactly, it is much more interesting when they have an attitude." Aegon responded whilst a smirk crawled unto his face.

The girl didn't really care about Aegon as he was much less proper than his brother, she saw Aegon as an inmature child. Whilst Aemond seemed like a proper man.

Still Aegon was entertaining, he was kind yet improper. The lady likes his ways.

The girl's eyes traveled around the court as she spotted her lady-in-waiting Catherryn speaking with a rather handsome man. That elated Alyarra, as she so hoped Catherryn could eventually leave her duties as a maid and find a respectable husband.

Alyarra stood around as she watched the happenings around the room. The people talked and talked, most of them bragging about their riches. Half of them were women who were proud to be mere trophies, and the other half were men who were proud of simply being arrogant. It was all too funny to Alyarra.

Her family was plenty rich, but Cregan had always taught her that even if your chests are great... The riches mean nothing if you are not humble of what you have.

"Where is Aemond anyway? He just dumped you at court and left?" Aegon asked as a servant approched the prince, handing him a cup of wine. Alyarra simply shrugged her shoulders.

"I do not know. He said that he had business to attend to, and that he wanted me to join court with the queen." The girl responded as Aegon chuckled lightly.

"He's probably off drowning himself in books or trying to assist my grandsire with stuff of the Hand. Aemond loves to play King. Too bad he's a second son." Aegon snickered as Alyarra rolled her eyes swiftly at the comment. It was a mean thing to say.

The lady stayed silent, not wanting to add anything to Aegon's comment.

"You must think I'm an ass." Aegon spoke once again as Alyarra gave him a small sinister smile.

"I think you're drunk, my prince. Now if you'll excuse me, I will go speak with the Queen." Alyarra stated, curtsying at the prince and moving away from him.

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The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now