Forty Six

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marjorie - Taylor Swift

Aemond was not the best King. But Alyarra already knew that since even before he was ever named to rule in Aegon's stead. He was intelligent, studious, and dutiful. But Aemond Targaryen was also ill-tempered, callous, and headstrong. He scarcely listened to his council and to his Hand. He thought himself wiser than most.

In some ways, Aemond thought himself untouchable and invincible. He had everything he ever wanted and more. Nobody could touch him, nobody could take this from him.

It had been a moon and a half since Alyarra became with child again, and their relationship was far better than it was before. Mostly because Aemond had learnt to let out his frustrations elsewhere instead of on his wife. Because he now knew how fragile she was, and he would hate himself forever if he ever hurt her again.

"Maelor, put that down." Aemond ordered sternly as he ate his supper with his wife, Baelon, Maelor and Jaehaera. Maelor was holding his plate over his head and screaming to save his life, sending his food flying all over the table.

"Come on, sweetling, put that down." Alyarra hummed sweetly as she came around the table and grabbed the plate from his hands. The boy puffed angrily and crossed his arms over his chest with much attitude. Alyarra sighed and sat back down next to Aemond.

For the last month, Alyarra had been taking care of Jaehaera and Maelor by Aegon's own lucid order. He had just gotten off the milk of the poppy from his grave wounds and asked for his children to be treated as Aemond's own.Helaena was spinning quickly into madness and Aegon was too wounded to even stand at all. Aemond was hesistant, but Alyarra convinced him. Alyarra was better, trying to be her best self, trying to move on from the trauma she had endured at the hands of Benjamin. And basically everyone else.

And the kids were his niece and nephew, they deserved to be taken care of with love by a motherly and fatherly figure. "Jaehaera, are you so excited for the modiste to come for your fitting morrow? Your new dresses will be beautiful." Alyarra spoke. She knew the girl could care less. But anything to get her mind off of her dead twin brother.

The little girl nodded as she nibbled on an apple. Alyarra sighed and kept on eating her rice and beans. Aemond grabbed her right hand as they ate in silence and then after supper, Alyarra put the kids to bed with the help of their wetnurse. After they were safely sleeping, she went back to her bedchamber to find Aemond already getting ready for bed.

"Baelon went down without much fuss." Alyarra announced as she moved to take off her gown. Aemond gave her a tired smile as he watched her from the bed.

"And Maelor and Jaehaera?"Aemond asked as Alyarra's dress fell to the ground, leaving her in her undergarments.

"Maelor cried for his mother, but was able to calmn himself down after I sang to him. And Jaehaera remains showing little to no emotion." Alyarra answered, as she took off her undergarments to change into clean ones. Aemond swallowed and averted his gaze to the corner of the room.

"I worry for her, Aemond. I just... I know what she is feeling like... Watching somebody you love being murdered so viciously... it can mess her up for life. And it was her own twin brother..." Alyarra mused as she threw on her nightgown and moved to brush her hair in her vanity table.

"What shall we do? The only thing we can do is raise her. Helaena gets worse everyday, and mother is cold and distant. We are the only family they have that is remotely alright..." Aemond stated as he removed his eyepatch and set it down on the night table besides their bed.

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