Twenty One

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Aemond Targaryen watched eagerly and proudly as Lord Cregan Stark walked Alyarra Stark down the path of the godswood. He stood tall in front of the weirwood tree, tall and cockily. Smug even. He had what he had wanted all this time. He had the woman he loved. And nobody would take her away from him. Nobody.

Alyarra looked angelic, more beautiful than Aemond could have ever imagined her to look on the day of their wedding. And Cregan? Cregan looked at Aemond as if he wanted to murder him in cold blood. But did Aemond care? No. Nobody could ruin this for him.

Alyarra looked happy and that made Aemond's heart race. She loved him. She wanted him, just like he did she.

Finally Cregan approached Aemond with Alyarra in his arms. The lady gave her husband to be a small smile as she went to stand next to him.

"We gather here on this day to solidify the union in marriage of Lady Alyarra Stark and Prince Aemond I Targaryen. Lady Alyarra Stark was dutifully presented by the Lord Cregan Stark, her older brother." The Winterfell herald announced as Alyarra took a deep breath.

"Lady Alyarra Stark of Winterfell, do you take the Prince Aemond I Targaryen as your lawful husband and lord?" The herald asked her as Alyarra looked up at Aemond. Her eyes locking with his one eye for the first time since the beginning of the ceremony.

It was insane truly. Their love was insane. She didn't want to love this man, yet this man was all she wanted. He had been possessive over her and he had hurt her yet somehow she could not imagine her life without having him near now. She had been corrupted by him, and this corruption only made her his. She wanted him. She yearned for him. She loved him. It was all him.

She would fall from grace a thousand times just so she could touch his face.

"I take this man as my lawful husband and lord." Alyarra was sure of her words. She wanted to say them, this was what she wanted. Maybe she would regret them later on but right now they were the right words.

"Join hands and kneel before the heart tree, taking our old gods into your hearts." Alyarra and Aemond did as they were told. Aemond gave her a warm smile and Alyarra returned it. They bowed their heads in submission to the heart tree and the old gods.

Aemond followed the Faith of the Seven but for Alyarra he would follow whoever.

There was a long moment of silence as each of them prayed to the Old Gods in complete silence. They then rose to their feet; Aemond removed the maiden cloak off Alyarra's back and grabbed the bride's cloak that Cregan begrudgingly handed to him. Aemond covered Alyarra with the cloak and gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead. It was tender and different than any other kiss he had ever given her.

"By the power vested in my by the Old Gods, I officially name Prince Aemond Targaryen and Lady Alyarra Stark of House Stark as one. They are now husband and wife." The herald announced as Alyarra smiled up at Aemond.

He leaned in to give her a slow and passionate kiss. It was everything. Alyarra's lips on his was the best feeling in the entire world. He would burn down cities just to get to hold Alyarra.

The lords cheered for the couple as they witnessed the kiss. All except Cregan who was seething as he stared at his sister and the man that had taken her purity away. Cregan wanted to wrap his hands around Aemond's neck and watch as the life left his one cursed eye.

"Will there be a feast, Lord Cregan?" An old lord asked the man as Cregan eyed his sister and her new husband. Alyarra looked to her brother, and she shuttered at the cold gaze he gave her.

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