Twenty Five

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TW: Attempted SA in this chapter

Alyarra fidgeted with the skin around her nails as the carriage that held herself and Aemond departed from the gates of the Red Keep. Aemond rested one hand on her thigh as the carriage moved towards the city. "Are you nervous, my love?" Aemond asked his wife with a soft tone on his voice.

"I am... I've never been apart of a parade like this. What if the smallfolk don't accept me as their princess?" Alyarra asked, looking up at Aemond with her beautiful doe eyes.

"I'll make them." Was all he answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the word. Alyarra gave him a small smile as suddenly cheers erupted amongst the crowd that awaited the carriage. A wide smile crept unto her face as she waved at the folks happily. Aemond simply sat there, nodding every so often in acknowledgement of the commoners.

"Lady Stark! Lady Stark!" They would call for her. Alyarra was moved as she looked at all the commoners. She knew King's Landing was poor, but she hadn't realized the extent of it. She had only gone into town that one time with Aegon.

The poor common folks of King's Landing would grasp at the carriage or try and touch Alyarra and Aemond. "Let me touch you, my lady! Let me be blessed." They would cry out as the carriage passed them by. Alyarra's spirit was slowly being crushed as she took in the reality of the poor people of King's Landing. And then her beart was squeezed tighter as she spotted three tiny girls standing in the crowd. Something had pulled Alyarra's attention to the girls.

They could not be older than ten years of age. Two of the girls seemed slightly older and they held unto a little toddler. The little girl had platinum hair, targaryen hair. But it couldn't be. Or could it?

They were stoic as they stared at the carriage pass them by. Alyarra's heartbeat quickened as she turned around to keep staring at the three girls. They were all alone. Why were three little girls alone in the city?

"Stop the carriage!" Alyarra shrieked, but the driver kept on moving. "Stop the carriage!" She shrieked once more as the carriage came to a halt. Alyarra looked at Aemond, who gave her a confused look and without a word, the lady was out of the carriage and off running back down the street towards the little girls.

"Alyarra!" Aemond yelled in desperation, basically jumping out of the carriage as he ran down the street after her. "Alyarra come back!" He ordered. His knights were hurrying down after the royal couple, most of them confused. The crowd cheered as they tried reaching for Aemond, but his priority was reaching his wife.

"Hey..." Alyarra breathed out as she approached the three little girls. Alyarra kneeled on the dirty ground to meet their gazes, ruining her dress in the progress. The girls were looking at her with confused expressions, and the littlest one looked well fearful.

"My name is Alyarra. What's yours?" She asked sweetly, reaching for the hands of the little one. The girl cowered in fear as she stared at the lady in front of her. "Lyla." She whispered whilst Alyarra smiled sweetly at her.

"Lyla. And you girls?" Alyarra asked the other two older girls. "Myla." One of them said. "Kyla." The other one answered. Aemond finally reached his wife, stopping in his tracks as he saw Alyarra knelt down on the dirty streets of King's Landing.

"Where are your parents, sweet girls? You mustn't wander around the city alone." Alyarra asked them as they all looked at each other.

"We have no parents." Myla answered meekly. Alyarra's heart squeezed in her chest in sorrow for the three beautiful girls. "And who takes cares of you? Can you show me?" Alyarra asked kindly and in a worried tone. The other common folk were soon gathering around her and Aemond and his knights would stand protectively over Alyarra, making sure nobody touched her.

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