Twenty Six

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"I will not stand here and let the two of you cover up what my brother attempted to do. He touched my wife. He tried to rape my wife, and you're scolding me?" Aemond spat at his mother and his grandsire.

"You almost killed your brother." Alicent would answer. The Queen wasn't even looking at her son. She was looking out of the window of her own apartments, heartbroken at the man she had raised. She was horrified when she heard of Aegon's attempted assault on the Lady Alyarra, and it almost brought tears to her eyes.

"Almost. Only I wish I did kill him." Aemond replied bitterly. Otto pinched the bridge of his nose and took a breath. He could not afford the marriage between Alyarra and Aemond to go wrong because of Ageon.

"He is your brother Aemond, and he made a mistake." Otto said, his voice stern and unforgiving.

"A mistake?! A mistake is accidentally bumping her whilst walking, a mistake is accidentally knocking over a glass of wine. Pinning her down to a wall and groping her is not a mistake. It is a choice Aegon made consciously! I will not have you cover this shit up like you have a thousand times over. Not with Alyarra. She is not just another victim. She is my wife!" Aemond was screaming at them angrily. Alicent took a breath and turned to her son, her eyes filled with tears.

"What shall we do?! He is your brother! My son! Shall I just ship him off to the Wall? Have him imprisoned?! Tell me, Aemond! There is not a just way for us to handle this. Aegon is the prince, and my son." Alicent's voice broke as she spoke, only making Aemond scoff.

"And what am I?! A banner in the wall? Mother, he almost raped my wife! What sort of man would I be if I just leave him free after the treason he commited to my being?! No, he must pay for this." Aemond was firm in the way he spoke, only making Alicent more torn.

He was right, but she could not punish her son. Maybe she was a bad person for indulging this. This was her fault for raising him this way.

"We will deal with Aegon. I can assure you he will not even breathe near Lady Alyarra again." Otto replied as Aemond let out an exasperated groan.

"That is not sufficient! He needs to pay for this. Alyarra is forever stained by his grotesque hands, forever traumatized. How do you expect her to keep on living in this castle whilst Aegon runs around rampant with no consequences?" Aemond was desperate to find justice for his wife.

He wanted to take the matter into his own hands. Maybe have Aegon castrated... or sent to Oldtown to become a Septon. Something had to be done.

"By living in it. The matter is closed... I will hear no more arguments from you. Aegon will be dealt with as I see fit. Next time just make sure your lady wife has her guard with her at all times." Otto said and it only worked to make Aemond's blood boil. This was not anyone's fault but Aegon, and implying otherwise was a foolish thing to do.

"I will tell father... I am sure he will be displeased to hear what a pig his eldest has become." Otto chuckled at the mention of the sickly King Viserys.

"As if the king is lucid enough to even do something about it. He wouldn't care what you have to say anyways. He never has, why would he care now about what happens to your wife? He doesn't even know you've married. He wouldn't care anyways." Otto told Aemond cruelly.

"Father..." Alicent warned the man as he shrugged and held his head high. Aemond wanted to take his own grandsire and lunge him out of the window.

"Go to you chambers, Aemond. The matter is over and done with. Aegon will not come close to your wife again, and you just need to keep her at your side." Otto ordered. The indifference about Alyarra's wellbeing made Aemond lose his mind.

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