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TW - Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Overbearing grief

When Alyarra Stark learned of Aemond Targaryen's demise, she laughed. A maniacal laugh, an unstable laugh, a shocked laugh, an unhinged laugh. She looked to her brother and just laughed, for minutes on end she laughed. She did not ask how, in fact— she did not speak at all.

Alyarra simply laughed.

Cregan would hug her tightly, rubbed her back as she laughed uncontrollably. Her mind was blank, all that she did was laugh in a manic, frantic way. She did not even process anything, she barely even registered what Cregan had said.

She laughed until no more sound came out of her throat, until she began bawling uncontrollably.

Dead. Death. Aemond. Dead.

The words were hard for her to understand, but when she finally processed what her brother had told her— she let out piercing screams and loud sobs. An endless loop of wailing sounds.

"Aly-" She cut him off by standing up from his embrace. Cregan was confused as he watched her head to her balcony. Alyarra could not breathe, she could not think— she could not be, not without him.

She rushed to her balcony as fast as she could before Cregan could stop her, and without thinking— she rushed to the stone ledge.

Cregan let out a loud horrified scream of anguish as he darted to his sister. She was going to throw herself off her balcony. Alyarra got up on the stone wall, and without another thought— without even looking down, she took a leap to her demise.

Alyarra Stark closed her eyes when she lept from her balcony, expecting to hit the ground with a devastating splat— but it never came as her brother had grabbed her waist, preventing her from leaping to her death.

Both of their bodies fell backwards into the balcony's gravel with much force, Alyarra landing on top of her brother. Cregan held on to her for dear life, he was avidly crying as she thrashed in his arms. She just wanted to die, to join Aemond, because she could not be herself without him.

"Alyarra, stop! Please!" He exclaimed as he tried dragging her back inside her rooms, but she only screamed and cried— trying to free herself from her brother's saving grasp. "I want to die! Please! I want to die!" She cried uncontrollably, scratching at his arms, trying to get him to let her go.

Cregan wouldn't let her go though. He was holding on to her as if her life depended on it, because it did. He managed to stand up and drag her back inside her chambers, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

Alyarra kicked and screamed like her life depended on it, she felt like she could barely breathe. Like her life was ending, like her world was imploding. It was all coming to a head at once.

How could she live without Aemond? How could she be well without him? How could she raise Baelon without his help? She could not. Cregan dropped her down on her bed and sat down with her. "Please breathe, Aly. Please, you have to breathe." Cregan pleaded with his sister, he feared for her unborn baby. This stress could not be any good. Cregan stood up hastily from the bed and rushed to the door.

"Somebody get the maester! Help me! Help!" His screams echoed through the Winterfell castle, causing his guards to run rampant in search of the maester. Cregan went back inside her bedchamber, watching over his crying sister, his heart breaking at the sight.

Soon thereafter the Winterfell maester, Theelyn, barged into Alyarra's chambers. "What is the meaning of this?" He questioned Cregan, though he fell quiet when he saw the Stark woman's unhinged crying form. "She's with child! This distress will make her lose it!" Cregan said as he paced the rooms frantically.

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