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The third day Alyarra spent in King's Landing she had basically spent all day with Princess Helaena.

It became a boring day very quickly. The princess was a very sweet girl, but she barely spoke to the lady and spend most time speaking riddles that Alyarra did not understand.

Alyarra didn't see Aegon or Aemond at all. After she had watched Aemond train arms, he escorted her to her chambers and she hadn't seen him since. The prince clearly wasn't too keen on the girl as he barely searched for her.

As Alyarra set her head down to sleep, her mind was racing with all sorts of things. She had gotten to King's Landing and she had high expectations for her time at court but all she had mostly done was be couped up in the princess' chambers. The only person that had even offered to do something remotely interesting was Prince Aegon, and Aemond didn't seem too keen on the idea.

Hours passed as the lady tossed and turned. She could not find any type of sleep so she sat up abruptly on her bed and sighed, looking at the windows of the room. It was clearly still dark out. Alyarra threw off her satin sheets off her body and put on her slippers, standing from the bed amd leaving her bedroom. Alyarra left her chambers swiftly as she had decided to stroll the gardens to tire herself out.

Alyarra walked through the empty corridors of the Red Keep, basking in the peace of the once busy halls. The corridors were empty as she walked through them in silence. And as she stepped outside, the cold night air hit her skin swiftly, it felt good to be out here without wearing a hundred layers of a dress.

The lady walked down the paths of the gardens slowly, the darkness that cladded the gardens almost reminded her of Winterfell. She walked for a minutes before stopping in her tracks as she saw a tall figure standing a few feet away from her.

Alyarra squinted her eyes trying to make out who was hiding in the shadows ahead of her but she couldn't really make out a face.

"Lady Alyarra. The hour is late." The man spoke and the girl instantly recognized his voice. Aemond Targaryen stood a few feet away from her in the dark. Alyarra approached him slowly as finally she was able to see him thanks to the moonlight shining in his face.

"I could not find sleep, my prince. I decided to stroll the gardens to clear my head." Alyarra answered as the man eyed her face and stepped up a little bit closer to her.

"It seems we experience the same issue. I shall accompany you then, it is dark out and certainly no place for a lady." Aemond stated as he moved to Alyarra's side and the two walked in sync down the path of the gardens.

As Alyarra walked with the prince, her eyes wandered to the eyepatch that covered his face. She wanted to know what had truly happened, she wanted to know what laid under his patch.

"Can I ask you a question, my prince?" Alyarra asked as Aemond looked down at her, his eye going over her face and humming.

"Whatever you please, my lady." He stated coldly as Alyarra pursed her lips together.

"How did you lose your eye?" The lady asked as the boy stopped walking, clearly taken aback by the question from the lady. She instantly regretted asking. It was not her place but her curiosity got the better of her.

"I'm sorry that was out of line, forg-" She was cut off by the prince answering her question as he turned to continue walking.

"It was five years ago. I was merely a child attending the funeral of the late Lady Laena Velaryon. I was dragonless and I took a chance on claiming Vhagar. That did not sit well with my cousins and my nephews so they attacked me." Aemond answered as Alyarra gave him a pitiful look.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now