Thirty Three

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"Please be safe, my love. Storm's End has very ill-tempered weather." Alyarra would tell her husband as she got his long coat from his wardrobe. She draped it over his shoulders and smiled at him through the looking glass, a smile he returned with a small faltering one.

"I will be fine, my darling. Storm's End is very close by, and I will be only gone a few days. My grandsire wants me to secure Lord Borros to us, you know. Intimidate him with Vhagar and such." Aemond told his wife, turning to her and bringing his hand to caress her cheek. Alyarra leaned into his touch, sighing.

"I know... I'll miss you sleeping by my side." She spoke softly whilst he smirked. "I'll be back so soon, you won't even notice me gone." Aemond told her softly. She was glad he was in a better mood than the last few days.

"I'll be waiting eagerly." She told him as she fixed his doublet and grabbed one of his patches from his vanity. Aemond sat down as Alyarra brought the patch around his head and fastened it perfectly. He stood back up and took a breath, glancing down at his wife.

"I love you. Do not ever forget how much I love you." He whispered lovingly, making her swoon. "I love you too." She replied, stars in her eyes as she looked at the man that she loved the most. There was nothing that she wouldn't do for Aemond.

"When I get back, let us try to make more siblings for Baelon, yes?" Aemond smirked, and Alyarra smiled but she really didn't want another pregnancy. Atleast not yet. It was extremely traumatizing and awful. And her body was not ready for it. She felt a sense of doom nestle in her stomach but she ignored it.

She didn't want to worry Aemond. "Yes my love. An army I'll birth for you if you so wish it." He grinned at her words. And she smiled back, happy to make him smile. She would break her back just to see him crack a smile.

A knock was heard at the door, and then Ser Criston came into the chambers. "Prince Aemond, Vhagar is ready for you." He announced. Alyarra pressed her lips together and embraced her husband.

"Be safe, Aemond. Remember to lead with a cool head." She whispered as he slowly planted a kiss on the top of her head. "I will, love. Please remember to stay with your protector at all times." He told her, and she nodded.

He gave her once last kiss, and then out the door he was. As soon as the door shut behind him; her act faltered. She rushed to take off her tight dress. She was hurting in all of her body, the dress only adding to her pain. She shed all of her clothing and stood before her looking glass, staring in disgust at her body.

She gulped, bringing her fingers to trace the many bruises that Aemond had left the day before, and she could only wince in pain as her own fingers made contact with the bruised skin. Two nights had gone by of him taking his daily frustrations on her with reckless and ruthless sex, and she didn't complain. This was her duty, right? To relieve him of his worries? She wanted to think that, but a part of her wanted to yell at him. To slap him, and to tell him that he was killing her.

Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at her beaten and bruised self, she took a deep breath choked a tear back. The door to her bedchamber opened, and she was going to rush to cover herself but stopped when she noticed it was Catherryn. As soon as her eyes landed on her best friend and lady, she broke down in tears.

She was going to plummet to the floor, but Catherryn rushed to grab her before she could fall. Catherryn lifted Alyarra into her arms, like she always did. It was in her nature to protect the innocent.

"What happened?!" Catherryn asked as Alyarra leaned on her for support. She was embarrased, and broken. "He beat you?!" Catherryn was appalled at the appearance of her best friend.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now