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Aegon dragged Alyarra along some filthy street in the depths of King's Landing. The pair had snuck away from the Red Keep, both of them covered with long cloaks to try and hide their identities. Alyarra was scared as Aegon hustled her down a bustling street. The people were dirty and rude, most of them cursing at the pair as they swept past them.

This was very unlike Wintertown, where everybody was kinder and of high standing. Aegon seemed like he knew these streets like the back of his hand. He moved quickly and precisely, like he had done this a thousand times over. And he had.

Alyarra did not know exactly why she had agreed to come with Aegon. She was sure this was just some twisted way for her to try to gain her power back after Aemond had crushed her with his words. She despised him now.

He made it seem like he wanted her, like he could see her as his wife only to say she wasn't worthy. And the sickest part was that she did not say it to her face.He said it to someone else, she was just at the right place at the right time.

"Where are we going?" Alyarra asked as Aegon looked at her, giving a taunting wicked smile.

"The Street of Silk... My favorite place to be." Aegon spoke as Alyarra frowned. She had never heard of that place before. Aegon continued down the paths and dark alleys until they reached a narrow street.

Alyarra's mouth opened wide in shock as she took in people having sex on the mere street. She wanted to look away but she was enthralled by the people going at each other like crazed rabbits. So shamelessly. Couples were having sex in every corner of the street. Some even had a third party.

Aegon stared at Alyarra as she stared at the different couples making love. He wanted her now more than ever, and he had an inkling that now he had a better chance than Aemond did. So it was now or never his chance to strike.

"Alyarra." Aegon breathed out, his mind was getting clouded with the lust he felt for her in that moment. He wasn't sure he could contain himself any longer. "Yes?" The girl hummed as she turned to look at him.

"I want you." Aegon stated as Alyarra's eyes widened at the revelation. Aemond was right. And maybe she had known all long but was too involved in her self to admit it.

"But Aego-" Alyarra was cut short by him as he took a step closer to her. He leaned into her, his breath hot on her neck as he brought his lips to her ear.

"Let me take your maidenhood. Let me make you mine." Aegon whispered. It was almost a plead. He wanted her so bad, and he just had to have her. He didn't care for anything but taking her right at this moment.

"I can not! What about Helaena?" Alyarra breathed out as she took a step backwards, her back hitting the dirty wall behind her. She was cornered. And Aegon stared at her like a dragon stared at it's meal.

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The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now