Twenty Eight

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"That Jason Lannister is such a twat!" Catherryn whispered into Alyarra's ear, making the princess laugh heartedly as the pair watched the tourney before them. Jason Lannister was going against Jon Hornwood, Catherryn's lover, and he had asked for Catherryn's favor. Knowing well that Catherryn was being courted by Jon.

"He is quite funny, do you not reckon?" Alyarra asked as she eyed him. He was participating in the tourney but he wasn't even a good warrior, he was just egotistical. As all Lannisters.

"No. I do not reckon. He's a twat." The words made Alyarra laugh. It was her birthday tourney, and Alyarra was rather happy to see so many people in attendance. The common folk were cheering excitedly for the new princess, and everybody was celebrating her life. Alyarra felt extremely loved, all that was missing was having Cregan and her nephew here.

She sat next to her lady, who was eagerly waiting for her lover to knock Jason Lannister off his horse. Catherryn turned to be quite the tourney fanatic, and she would holler and yell like a maniac at every jousting pairing. Alyarra thought her hilarious.

"My love." It was Aemond. Alyarra looked up to see him staring down at her. The love of her life.
He sat down next to his wife and gave her a wide smile. "Finally! I thought you would never show." Alyarra breathed out and pecked her husband on the lips. He smiled earnestly and sighed.

"Planning a tourney for my beloved wife is a harder task than I anticipated. Luckily my grandsire has stepped in." Aemond mused whilst pinching the bridge of his nose . Alyarra rested her hand on his arm and gave him a loving smile.

Alyarra and Aemond's relationship had only grown stronger and more passionate throughout the last month. Aemond had turned into the most perfect husband. He was gentle, loving, and kind. He was quite literally everything that Alyarra could ever ask for. He treated her like an absolute goddess, as that was what he thought her to be. His goddess, his moon, and his stars. Alyarra Stark was everything to him.

"What has happened? Have the warriors put on a good show?" Aemond asked Alyarra as she shrugged and nodded. "I think so... Although I do not have a clear idea on what it takes to win a tourney." Alyarra chuckled.

"But I do think it would have been so fun to see you participate." Alyarra told her husband as he raised a brow. She thought Aemond would probably best every knight down there easily.

"Hmm... Maybe next time I'll register then. It seems I have a wife to impress." Aemond told her as he rested his hand on her lap. Alyarra intertwined her hands in his and continued on watching the happenings of the tourney.

"Yes!" Catherryn exclaimed happily as she rose to her feet to clap for Ser Jon who had just knocked Jason Lannister off his horse. Alyarra smiled at Catherryn, who was so joyful she might as well fling herself over the railing and go kiss Ser Jon on the field.

"Lady Alyarra." Alyarra rose to her feet to greet the Queen Alicent who had finally joined the stands. The Queen was accompanied by Otto and Princess Helaena. Aegon was nowhere to be found, and that made Aemond the happiest.

"I hope you are enjoying your name day. It is a most joyous day." Alicent told her, engulfing the girl in a tight hug. Alyarra hugged the Queen back and then turned to hug Helaena, who welcomed the hug eagerly.

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