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Alyarra felt rather excited for the next day at court after Aemond had visited her chambers. The both of them wanted each other, and now they both knew. She stood dutifully next to Catherryn, anxiously waiting for the royal family to arrive at court.

"You seem rather giddy on this fine day, my lady." Catherryn spoke as Alyarra gave her a small smirk and shrugged her shoulders. "It is nothing but a good day today Catherryn." Alyarra answered, making Catherryn smile. Alyrra watched as Catherryn's eyes darted across the room from them, where a rather handsome looking man seemed to be starring at Catherryn.

"Is that the Ser Jon?" Alyarra whispered as Catherryn blushed a deep shade of red and nodded slowly. "Isn't he the most handsome man you've seen?" Catherryn asked in awe as Alyarra chuckled.

She was happy to see her lady-in-waiting joyful and in love. She hoped to find that sort of glee soon, hopefully with a certain one-eyed Targaryen. Suddenly the guards announced the arrival of the royal family, and Alyarra smiled expectantly as Queen Alicent, Ser Otto, and the three Targaryen children made their way into the Great Hall.

Alyarra's eyes were quick to find Aemond's eye, a small smile creeping unto her face as the pair locked eyes. Aemond gave her a curtly nod as he walked dutifully next to his mother. Aegon stood next to his brother, and his eyes had too found Alyarra. Aegon rolled his eyes ever so slightly whenever he noticed Aemond and Alyarra exchanging glances.

Aegon was not scared of his twat little brother, even if he rode the biggest dragon in the world. Or even if he was one of the greatest swordsman in King's Landing. Or even if he was a little rogue.  Aegon would do everything in his power to make sure that Alyarra saw Aemond for who he was, a twat little brat.

Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena stayed together as Alicent sat the Iron Throne, as their father was still too sickly to even come out of his room.

"Look there's the Lady Alyarra!" Helaena exclaimed happily as she waved the lady over gleefully. Aemond smiled lightly at his sister's enthusiasm. He loved Helaena with all of his heart and it made him happy that she had found a friend in the woman he was courting.

"Princess Helaena, princes." Alyarra greeted kindly as she curtsied at the three siblings, and then she leaned in to give Helaena a small friendly hug.

"Lady Alyarra. How stunning you look today." Aegon was quick with his greeting, quicker than Aemond. "Oh thank you, my prince. You are most kind." Alyarra answered kindly, making Aemond roll his eye.

"Lady Alyarra." Aemond greeted her coldly as his eye darted elsewhere. He seemed unbothered by her presence; and like he could care less about her being near him.

"Prince Aemond." Alyarra responded, she tried reading the look on his face but it was colder than Winterfell. It was just so stoic. How could someone show so little emotion on their face?

"Lady Alyarra... I wanted to show you the new dress I sewed myself for Jaehaera! Would you like to see it?" Helaena asked as Alyarra smiled kindly. "Of course I would princess. I bet it is a beautiful creation." Alyarra said kindly as Helaena grabbed the lady's arm in hers and dragged her out of court. Leaving Aemond and Aegon standing alone with each other.

"Twat." Aegon whispered as he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at his brother. "Um... Clever." Aemond answered his stupid brother before leaving to stand with his grandsire.


Alyarra and Helaena sat together in Helaena's apartments as the princess showed Alyarra the tiny little dress she has made herself for her daughter. "This is the cutest tiniest thing I have seen." Alyarra gushed as she took the little dress in her hands.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now