Twenty Three

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"What do you mean you were wed in Winterfell?!" Alicent asked, clearly enraged by the news that Aemond brought forth at the dinner. Aemond's eye flickered between his mother and his grandsire. Otto had a happy grin on his face, clearly amused at the news.

"It means what it means mother. I am now married to Alyarra by the faith of the Old Gods." Was all he stated as Alicent looked at her father and then back at her son. She was dumbfounded.

"The faith of the Old Gods?! Why would you do such a thing? We follow the Seven! You know this well." Alicent exclaimed as Aemond simply shrugged.

"That was the will of Cregan Stark, mother. It was what he wanted." Aemond said coldly, making Alicent frown in confusion at his words. "He couldn't wait for us to plan a proper celebration? What is wrong with him? I will have to write to him. This is inexcusable." Alicent was furious.

"Isn't this what you've wanted all along? For the Northern army to be secured for us? You should be thanking me instead of berating me. I have gained a powerful ally to your cause." Aemond was stern in his voice, but not disrespectful.

"The boy is right, Alicent. What this rogue Aemond has done is invaluable for us." Otto weighed in as Alicent rolled her eyes.

"He could have waited! They were betrothed either way... The North would have sworn fealty to us sooner or later." Alicent said coldly as Aemond shrugged.

"It was Cregan's will, and my own will to a certain extent. I see no issue in this. The Princess Alyarra will be a good wife to me, and a good addition to our family I am sure." His voice was serious. There was a conviction to it.

"Why would you marry in such haste, Aemond? I wanted to take part in my son's wedding. I wished for you to marry under the guidance of the Seven Gods." Alicent asked, the questioning only made his patience wear thin.

"I already told you. It was what Cregan Stark wished for." Aemond repeated, a bitter tone taking over.

"But why? Gods you are not saying anything valuable!" Alicent complained as finally Aemond snapped.

"Because I deflowered her, mother. Is that what you wished to hear? I made her mine before marriage and Stark found out." Aemond's voice was dark and loud. Alicent gasped as she stared at her son in pure shock.

"You did WHAT?! Aemond Targaryen do you understand what you have done?! You have defied the Gods, you have destroyed that lady's innocence and virtue." Alicent scolded him. Aemond kept a straight face as he listened to his mother.

"Nothing has been destroyed because she is my wife, and nobody knows what we've done." Aemond stated. "The Gods know!" Alicent hissed, making Aemond want to roll his one eye. He wouldn't though, he was a respectful son.

"It matters not mother. All is well. I am married to the woman I love, and she loves me. She will make a great princess, and our house has gained the strongest ally there is. This situation could not be any better." Aemond said as Alicent took a breath.

"Aemond is right. We could not wish for a better outcome. Think with a cool head Alicent. Who cares about a wedding? Think of what we could do with the Northern army..." Otto pressed on as he walked towards his daughter. Alicent eyed her father and then her gaze found her son. She was inmensely disappointed in him, but her father was right.

"We will hold a celebratory feast for the wedding. I wish to be able to celebrate my own son's nuptials. And a coronation shall be held for Lady Alyarra before the court." Alicent ordered as Aemond shrugged.

This was not a trouble for him. If he could, he would hold a thousand weddings just to be able to relive the day that Alyarra Stark and himself became one.

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