Forty Nine

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She must be dreaming.

Tis all a dream.

Tis not happening.

She is still in Aemond's arms, nothing is happening.

Harrenhal was not being seized.

Alyarra sobbed quietly as Sabitha Frey and her garrison escorted her to the Harrenhal Great Hall. She was holding her baby tightly to her chest, afraid that at any moment someone would try to take him from her. Cregan. Her brother was here, she was being taken to him yet all Alyarra felt was dread. She was scared, she just wanted Aemond. Why did he leave her in Harrenhal? Why wasn't he there to protect her?

When the doors to the Great Hall opened, Alyarra felt the air going out of her lungs as she was met face to face with her brother for the first time in a year. Cregan's lips turned upward in a wide grin as he rushed to Alyarra, engulfing her and Baelon in a bone crushing hug. Though she did not react, she was in shock— seeing her brother felt like a fever dream. Was he really there? Of was this just a hallucination?

Cregan's tough front shattered as he held his sister in his arms, tears freely spilling from his eyes as he hugged her tightly. He thought this day would never come, he thought he would never see Alyarra again— but alas there she was. Alive and well, his sister was alive— she was back in his arms where he could protect her.

She was in shock, her eyes wide as Cregan held her. Alyarra could feel him sobbing into her shoulder but she had no idea what to do, her mind could only drift back to Aemond— back to her husband and father of her children. Where was he? Would he come back for them? Would he rescue her?

Cregan pulled away after a long time holding her and inspected his sister, frowning at her lack of response in their reunion— and that was when he really saw her. His sister did not seem like herself, she was but the ghost of the lively girl Cregan once knew. "Sister..." He whispered, his eyes inspecting her face as she looked up at him with teary eyes.

He had expected her to hug him, to cheer— for he had come to rescue her from her fate. She remained unmoving for a second, and then she pushed him away with all of her might— catching him completely and utterly off guard. "W-What?" He questioned, brows furrowed together as he looked back at his sister.

"W-Who do you think you are?" Alyarra asked him, turning away from Cregan to shield Baelon's crying face from him. "Y-You abandoned me... and now you h-hug me? Who g-gives you the r-right?" She asked, her voice shaky.

"Abandoned you?! What in the world do you mean?! I have been trying to save you for moons! I have been fighting for you!" Cregan shot back in a defensive manner, he could hardly understand what Alyarra meant. He had fought for her, for her safe return.

"For me?! You have been fighting for me?! You abandoned me! And then you tried to sell me off to Jacaerys Velaryon! You do not care for me, you only care for yourself and your son! Your legacy." It was all coming to a head at once, all of her emotions of sadness and anger were mixing together— bitterness was all she felt for her brother.

"What?! I only tried to do what was best for you! For our legacy! For our House! Tis what father would have wanted, for us to keep his oath!" Cregan was now shouting at her, anger pouring out of him as he stared at his sister in utter disbelief.

"Father would have wanted you leave me unguarded, abandoned?! You were my brother, and you sided against me! Did you know how bad it was for me!? They killed Catherryn and it's all your fault." Her words were aiming to hurt, even if she did not mean them. She was just so angry, so upset at his abandonment.

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