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"My lady, the hour grows late. I think we should head back to your chambers now." Catherryn murmured as Alyarra took a breath. The lady looked at her maid and pressed her lips together.

Alyarra was waiting on the Prince Aemond. After her riding session with Aegon the girl had gotten ready for court, putting on a beautiful dress to impress Aemond. She had expected to see him at court but she awaited for him to no avail. The prince never came and the hour grew late yet Alyarra didn't want to leave.

She wondered why he wasn't at court, as surely he was done with visiting the King long ago. Alyarra watched the doors, almost willing him to come in but he never came.

As the members of court left the Great Hall, Alyarra took a breath and looked at Catherryn. "Alright. Let's go back to my chambers. I shall go to sleep." The lady ordered as Catherryn nodded her head in agreement.

The pair walked through the halls of the Red Keep in silence. Alyarra found herself rather upset, as she had awaited for Aemond for hours and he never came to court. She wondered where he was, and what he could have been doing.

Surely he had a good reason, he was probably rather busy with matters of a prince. The court felt rather lonely today as the members of the royal family were no where to be found.

Helaena almost never came to court. Aemond was nowhere to be found, and Aegon told Alyarra he was going to sleep after riding.

Alyarra and Catherryn reached the lady's chambers and instantly she grabbed her diadem off her head and threw it to her side, she was upset. A sigh left her mouth as Catherryn moved to the girl's bath chamber.

"I shall run you a bath, my lady. I am sure it will make you feel better." Catherryn stated as Alyarra nodded her head slightly. The girl sat in her seats waiting for Catherryn to prepare her bath.

Her mind could only drift to Aemond. She felt confused as she had never felt anything like it before. She didn't understand why she cared so much for him, she was not supposed to care for him. As she had told Cregan before coming to the capital, she was only here to experience a big court. She didn't come to find a husband, she hadn't come to King's Landing to become a princess.

Soon enough, the bath was ready and Alyarra moved to her bathing chamber. And with the help of Catherryn, she took off her dress and stepped into the tub of hot water.

The girl sat down slowly on the tub, taking a small breath as her body submerged in the water. Alyarra dropped her head back, dropping her hair into the water. The bath was relaxing and just what she needed.

The girl closed her eyes as she brought her hands to her face, washing it thoroughly. She hummed as the water dripped all over her, it felt quite nice.

The girl's mind would not leave Aemond alone. Even when she tried to think about anything else, he lurked her mind. The vision of him kissing her brought chills all over her body. It made her think unholy thoughts.

The things she would let him do to her... They were not deemed ladylike. Alyarra wanted him, she truly did.

Alyarra stayed in the bath for a good hour or so, not wanting to leave but eventually standing from the tub and stepping out. She wrapped the silk linen around her body and left for her bed chamber. The chamber was empty but on her bed laid her nightgown.

Catherryn had left to sleep but got the gown ready for the girl. Alyarra dropped her towel and grabbed the silky dress, stepping into it. She moved to brush her hair quickly, and after that she slipped into her bed.

The girl drifted off to sleep rather quickly, her mind wondering about the boy she couldn't keep out of her head.


The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now