Thirty Seven

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"You're losing me" - Taylor Swift

The door to their chambers slammed shut. And Alyarra turned her knees towards the wall, her tears flowing freely down her face like a cascade. She braced herself for Aemond's words. She knew she had made a huge mistake.

"Just what the fuck were you thinking?" She flinched, because he had never screamed at her like that. She remained quiet, her fingers tearing off the skin around her cuticles fiercely as she sobbed quietly.

"Answer me! What in the hells were you thinking? You were going to leave me?!" Alyarra sniffed, turning to look at Aemond who was glaring at her with fire in his eye. Her eyes were bloodshot red due to all her crying; and she felt that she might die any moment now. She could barely think straight.

"No! I just wanted to protect Baelon!" She cried, making Aemond scoff. "Protect Baelon?! By taking him from his father?! I am the only one that can protect him! That can protect you!" Aemond said ragefully, his voice low and intense as his one eye bore into Alyarra angrily.

"I thought it would be better to take him away from the war! For his safety. What you did to Lucerys... it makes me fear they'll come for him!" Alyarra rambled as she tried explaining her point of view.

"Nobody will ever lay a hand on my son! Not as long as I live! Who was going to protect him if you took him away? Hmm?" Aemond asked, his tone was rather taunting as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Alyarra looked at her lap and swallowed hard before Aemond spoke again. "Your brother? The Lord Stark? The same brother who left you to fend for yourself in the start of a war without a warning? Who else is going to protect you and Baelon? His men? The men who couldn't even keep rapists away from your rooms in the Great Keep?" Aemond laughed cynically.

"Stop." Alyarra stated fiercely, getting angry at him bashing her brother. "Stop?! I should stop?! After what you've done?! You were scheming to leave me behind and take my son!" Aemond stalked to her, his finger pointing at her in an accusatory manner.

"I was going to tell you! I just wanted my son to be safe! Stop!" She pleaded and turned away from him, but he aggressively grabbed her shoulder, flipping her back around to face him.

"Your son is mine too! He is safe here with me! Nobody in this world cares more about his safety than I do! Nobody will ever keep Baelon as safe as I can!" He shouted in her face. Alyarra's nostrils flared at his treatment of her.

"We are sitting here waiting for a war to break out! How is this fine?!" She asked frantically, almost wanting to pull her hair out from her head. He was not even trying to understand her.

"Just fucking stop, Alyarra! You and Baelon are safe here! Stop trying to make yourself the center of the war! You are no one's priority." Her mouth gaped open and then closed.

"You are a fucking asshole." She breathed out, her tears commencing once more. Did she deserve this? All she wanted was her son to be safe.

"Hm, am I now? I am an asshole for being angry that my wife was scheming behind my back? Am I an asshole for wanting a good fucking wife that will stand by my side unconditionally?" And with that... Aemond had dealt the final blow.

She glared at him with a storm brewing in her eyes, the anger inside of her bubbling like she was sure it had never built before. "How dare you?" Her voice was a defeated whisper.

"How do you fucking dare?!" She asked him and he simply stared back at her with pursed lips, awaiting for her. "Daring." He challenged her.

"Aemond... do you not remember how we married? How you forced me into this marriage? And I stood by you even though I didn't want it?! Do you remember how you told my brother that I was no longer pure and still I stuck around for you!?" She pushed him away from her angrily.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now