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Alyarra walked steady towards the library, as she had heard from the other ladies that the Prince Aemond was heading there after court. She wanted to speak to him, as he seemed to be ignoring her for some odd reason. The lady wished to speak with him, as that was what she enjoyed the most.

As Alyarra reached the library, she was faced with Ser Criston Cole standing at the door. An unsual sight as he was not Aemond's knight, but Alyarra assumed maybe the Queen was with her son.

"Lady Stark, how may I help you?" Ser Cristonn asked as Alyarra gave him a kind smile and motioned to the door.

"I ask to speak with the Prince Aemond, my fine knight. I heard he was in the library." Alyarra stated as Criston made a face. A face that the lady could recognize as smug.

"He wishes to not be bothered, he is in a lesson." Criston stated as Alyarra frowned. A lesson? The girl looked at the door and almost as if she willed it, the door opened to reveal Aemond.

Alyarra smiled at him widely but her smile faltered as she noticed a noblewoman walking behind him. She could recognize her as Lady Edwina of House Celtigar. Why were they together in the library?

Aemond stood in front of Alyarra and looked down at her slowly, a stoic expression on his face. Alyarra gave him a curtly nod as he looked at her expressionless.

"Lady Alyarra. For why do you seek me?" Aemond asked coldly as Alyarra's heart beat in her chest rapidly. She did not understand this, she did not understand any of it.

"I wondered if I could speak with you, my prince." Alyarra said, almost whispering. She was not insecure, she never had been. But standing there in front of Aemond as he stood with another woman, it made her feel as insecure as a woman could.

"I find myself rather busy at this moment." Aemond answered and before she could even process what he said, he was off walking down the hall. Edwina Celtigar looked at Alyarra with a smug look in her face and moved away, following the prince down the hall.

Alyarra stood there in shock at Aemond and the entire situation. Ever since yesterday he had been ignoring her and now she finally confirmed that he was giving her the cold shoulder for some reason she did not know.

Alyarra composed herself quickly, looking at Criston who seemed to be holding in a laugh. What a vile ugly man. Alyarra thought.

The lady turned on her heel and walked the opposite direction of where Aemond went with Edwina. She walked rapidly, wanting to reach her chambers as quickly as possible.

Had she done something to upset the prince? She certainly did not, she was sure. Alyarra had been nothing but kind and warm to him, so this coldness from his part was unwarranted. Alyarra walked hurriedly amd suddenly bumped into someone, making her tumble to the ground beneath her.

Alyarra huffed in annoyance as she looked up to see Aegon standing over her. He was always around somehow.The boy laughed at the lady and held his hand out for her to take. The lady took it and stood up with his help.

"You almost took me out, my lady. You should watch where you're going." Aegon said in a teasing manner as Alyarra stayed quiet.

"Are you alright?" Aegon asked as Alyrra shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "I just want to lock my self in my chambers right now and have nobody talk to me." Alyarra confessed as Aegon frowned.

"What is wrong, Alyarra?" Aegon asked as Alyarra shrugged her shoulders. She adjusted her dress and took a breath. She wasn't going to confess to him.

"Nothing is wrong, Aegon. Nothing at all." The girl replied sarcastically as he eyed her intensely and then motioned down the hall. "I was going to the pit to see Sunfyre, would you care to join?" Aegon asked as Alyarra thought it over.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now