Thirty Four

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Alyarra ripped the flesh from around her nails anxiously as the council awaited for Aegon's arrival. The moon was still out, and most members were confused as to why Aemond had called an emergency meeting. And most of them were worried to see the one-eyed prince home so early from his travels. The Dowager Queen sat with a solemn expression on her face, her eyes set on her son, because she knew something was wrong.

Alyarra didn't look at anything in particular, she just stared at the table. She didn't want to be in these chambers but her husband asked her to be his pillar for moral support. He had not yet explained what transpired in Storm's End, but Alyarra couldn't help her mind from wandering.

She was now a mother, and she could not even begin to imagine what Pricness Rhaenyra would feel whenever she would learn of Lucerys' death. Alyarra was a new mother, but her thinking of Baelon being viciously snatched from her made her want to die. Lucerys had been with Rhaenyra for fourteen years, it must hurt more than anything. Fourteen... a child. Alyarra felt herself tear up. He was just a child, just four years younger than her.

She was just a child also, but she felt her childhood so far away from her. Her thoughts were sliced in half whenever the door to the council chamber was slammed shut. In strutted the new King with Criston Cole trailing behind, an annoyed expression apparent on his face. "You better have a good excuse for this, brother. A great excuse for me to be dragged out of my bed." Aegon spoke angrily, his stance faltering slightly when his eyes landed on Alyarra.

Aegon went to sit at the end of the table, his mother sitting at his side and Otto moving to stand behind him on the right side, Criston Cole on the left. Aegon looked at Aemond expectantly, as did everyone in the room.

"Son... what has happened? Did Lord Borros not bend the knee? Did he send you away?" Alicent asked frantically, and Alyarra turned to look at her husband. His one eye was set on the table, none of his usual expressions were on his face. This was different.

"Something happened in Storm's End..." Alyarra decided to swallow the bile in her throat and speak up on Aemond's behalf, and he turned to look at her solemnly. He swallowed, his eye pleading for something. She couldn't read what.

"I killed Lucerys." He spoke up, his eye still on her face. She looked at him, her face hard as she moved to grab his hand in hers. She was horrified by his actions, terrified in fact, but she was his wife. He needed her now.

Aemond didn't look away from Alyarra, he was trying to find comfort in her gaze. But he inevitably looked around at the horrified faces in the room, and his eye then fell back to the table. "Everyone out except my family." Otto ordered roughly, and Alyarra gulped as the men of the council scurried out of the chambers.

"Explain." Otto ordered, and a yielded sob left Alicent's mouth. Alyarra looked at the Dowager Queen, who couldn't even look at her son. Now in the room only stood Alyarra, Aemond, Alicent, Otto, Aegon, and Criston.

"I killed Lucerys." Aemond repeated and his tone was unusual, unsure of himself. Aegon laughed, a cynical, twisted laugh that made Alyarra snap her head at him. She glared, and she wished that her eyes could burn his head open. She was so focused on glaring at the King that she didn't notice Otto approach her husband.

"You only lost one eye! How could you be so blind?!" Otto Hightower would spit into his grandson's face as he grabbed the collar of his doublet, shaking him as if that would knock some sense into Aemond. Alyarra looked at the floor, then at Alicent. She didn't look at Aemond, the Dowager Queen was staring straight ahead. Tears brimming her eyes as she gripped the council table.

"Aemond... what did you do?" She asked slowly, her gaze fixed ahead. "Who cares?! This is great news! Amazing even. We should hold a feast!" Aegon exclaimed, and Alyarra felt like throwing up at the thought of celebrating such vile actions.

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