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A sapphire laid behind the eyepatch. Alyarra was shocked whenever Aemond had taken her to his bath chamber, and whenever he removed his eyepatch to reveal his sapphire eye. She expected all sorts of things but this? This was not on the cards. She stared at him with an emotionless expression, making him regret taking his patch off so soon.

Aemond was all sorts of things. He was cold, callous, driven, maybe even reckless. But whenever it came to his eye, he was insecure. Not in the way that he didn't like it, but on the way that he was always scared to frighten women off because of his emotionless sapphire eye.

"Aemond..." Alyarra breathed out as she stared at him. He wanted to put his patch back on as the lady kept going over his eye over and over again.

"It is beautiful." Alyarra breathed out as she reached her hand out to caress the lining of the scar under his eye gently.

Aemond felt something stir within him whenever she called it beautiful, and whenever she touched him this gently and lovingly. Aemond wanted to have Alyarra, he had that clear since the moment he saw her out of the carriage the first day she came unto court; But this feeling, the feeling whenever she showed him she cared was unfamiliar to him. It was not lust. It was something else. Something the prince had never felt, and a feeling he was addicted to.

It was the feeling that made him so angry whenever she was with Aegon, and the feeling that made him want to keep her here with him. It was a feeling Aemond didn't know how to explore, and so he tried to show it to her even if all of his attempts were futile.

"I'm sorry." Alyarra whispered as she leaned her head to his chest, engulfing him in a gentle hug. No lust, no wanting, just gentleness and appreciation.

"I am sorry too about the Lady Arra." Aemond whispered as he planted a sweet kiss on the top of her head. Alyarra felt tears prickling her eyes at the mention of Lady Arra. She loved her. She was good. And now she was dead.

"I never had a chance to truly say my goodbyes. She was so wonderful Aemond. Such a good wife." Alyarra said, her voice breaking as small tears spilled from her eyes.

Aemond wrapped his arms protectively over Alyarra, her whole entire body being covered by his. It was a hug that made her feel protected. As if he was telling her that everything would be fine.

"Let me draw us a bath. I will take care of you love." Aemond whispered as he pulled away from Alyarra. The lady nodded as he moved to dump the tubs of water his servants had already left for him in the tub. Alyarra watched him from behind, her eyes set on the floor as the memories of her sister in law flooded her brain. She was so young.

Soon Aemond was done, and he was quick to get his trousers off. Alyarra's gaze shifted to the prince. Her eyes watched as he stood bare in front of her, his back muscles flexing as he moved to enter the tub. Lust creeping into her body as she eyed his movements.

"Come, my lady. The water is warm." Aemond hummed softly as he turned to look at Alyarra.

The lady moved towards the tub. Aemond's heart raced as he watched her little hands slip off the strings of her nightgown off her shoulders. The lady stood bare in front of Aemond.

Gods she was everything. His eyes raked over her body as his heart thudded in his chest. She was perfectly sculpted, everything about her was just completely perfect.

Her beauty was unearthly. Her skin was like a smooth, ivory-hued canvas, so bright and pale that it looked as though you could see light moving and dancing beneath her skin. Her figure was thin and graceful, with legs so long and thin they almost seemed to resemble a doe's,

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now