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For the next week Alyarra felt like the luckiest girl in all of Westeros. Aemond and her had gotten closer after the kiss they shared, spending most days together.

But Aemond did not try to kiss her again, as he did not want to stain the name of the lady. He took the lady's grace and virtue very seriously. But the lust was there. The lust lived with him. All he wanted was her. But he would never tell anybody that. He didn't understand what he felt for her, but he liked being near her.

Alyarra longed for him too. She saw him for who he was. He was a proper gentleman, he was the perfect prince. She never once thought that she would actually want to get betrothed to him, but here she was. Each moment that passed embracing the idea even more.

Alyarra and Aemond sat next to each other in the Red Keep's library, reading a book about Aegon the Conqueror. The lady had told the prince she wanted to learn about the Targaryen's dynasty and so the prince had taken upon himself to teach her.

"Rhaenys and Visenya were amazing. I wish I could do half of the things they did back then." Alyarra sighed as Aemond gave the girl a small nod and smile.

"They were outstanding, it is true. That is why in King's Landing the hills are named after them. They deserve it, and the conqueror knew." Aemond stated as Alyarra smiled and turned the scroll.

Alyarra's eyes read through the paragraph as Aemond stared at her intently. The girl was beautiful, and no doubt in Aemond's mind she was the most beautiful in all of Westeros.

"What do you reckon that was like? Wedding both of your sisters?" Alyarra asked as Aemond squinted his eyes, contemplating the question.

"I don't know. It must've been quite odd. But I understand it, the conqueror didn't want the Targaryen line to stem from any other blood but his." Aemond answered as Alyarra scrunched uo her nose slightly. She never understood Targaryen customs.

She could have never even think about marrying Cregan. He was her brother, and although she adored him there was no passion there as a lover. There could never be.

"I'm not sure if I could ever marry my brother. It just- I could not." Alyarra huffed as Aemond shrugged his shoulders. "I would do it if it was my duty. But that fell on Aegon's shoulders, not mine." Aemond answered as Alyarra eyed him.

"I can see that you really value duty." Alyarra said as Aemond gave her a nod.

"I do. My top priority is to fulfill my duties, even if I am just a second a son. I was not given the birthright to be King, but I still am the correct brother. The one that learns, the one that cares." Aemond said, a discerning tone apparent in his voice.

"I am sorry. But maybe Aegon cares, in his own way." Alyarra tried being positive but Aemond rolled his eye.

"My brother could care less about his birthright, he doesn't care my father has bypassed us in the line of succession. But I care, and I should be the King. Not Aegon, and certainly not Rhaenyra." Aemond spat passionately as Alyarra stayed quiet.

The girl did not know what to say, so she darted her eyes to the scroll in front of her and continued reading.

The door to the library opened suddenly and in came a knight that Alyarra recognized as the Queen's protector. He was always around as a shadow to the queen.

"My prince, the Queen Alicent requests your presence in her chambers. Your father is finally lucid, you should go see him." Ser Criston told the prince as Aemond took a breath and looked at Alyarra.

"You should go, it seems important." Alyarra whispered as the prince gave her a nod and stood from the table. Aemond did not look happy, probably because his father could care less if Aemond visited him or not. It was Alicent that wanted to push her kids down Viserys' throat.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now