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Alyarra did not see Aemond for the remainder of that day after he had stomped off like a small child. Although dumbfounded at the prince's attitude, she regretted nothing. She was firm on her stance that Aegon was not as dumb as Aemond thought, even if that scorned Aemond.

She knew deep down Aemond was just jealous that she didn't loath his brother, and a small part of her did want to make him jealous. She liked feeling in control of her situation with Aemond.

The sun had come and gone and the moon had arrived and Alyarra seemed to not be able to find sleep. She would toss and turn all night long in hopes of finding it, but sleep seemed rather far away from her. She decided to take a stroll through the castle to wear herself out. Something that she seemed to have taken a likeness to.

She put on a long coat over her little nightgown and put on some silk slippers, making her way out of her apartments and down the hall. She walked slowly throughout the Red Keep, taking in the paintings and the green banners that adorned the halls. It seemed like the Targaryen castle had become much more Hightower than anything.

Alyarra wondered why Princess Rhaenyra didn't get along with her half siblings. Alyarra coulf not even fathom not being close to Cregan, she adored her sibling more than life itself. But not everyone is like me. Alyarra thought.

Alyarra trekked down the corridors in silence, passing by the Great Hall, which doors had been opened wide. The lady looked inside as she passed it by, tracing back a few steps as she noticed somebody sitting on the Iron Throne. A frowned happened upon Alyarra's face as she scanned the dimly lit Great Hall. Her eyes landed on a slender and tall figure that she knew all too well.

Why was Aemond sitting on the Iron Throne at this hour? He looked majestic, godly even as he sat the throne. Her insides fluttered as she looked at the man before her. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

Alyarra raised a brow and licked her lips but decided to remain hidden behind a column, which clearly was not as sly as she thought.

"Lady Alyarra Stark. It is late, what are you doing here?" Aemond's loud and authoritative voice boomed through the empty Great Hall. Alyarra cursed under her breath as she revealed herself, stepping away from the column that hid her tiny body.

"I... I could not find sleep, my prince." Alyarra answered as she stepped fowards. She could tell that Aemond was eyeing her up and down with his one eye. And she catched the way he licked his lips as she got closer to him.

"It seems that you can never find sleep Alyarra. Is your bed not a comfortable one? Are your apartments not to your liking? I am sure fixes can be arranged." Aemond asked. His tone was almost a mocking one, she could tell.

"No... It's not that at all. Everything is to my liking, I can promise that." Alyarra answered kindly as Aemond gave her a motion as if asking her to come closer.

"Well then... I seem to find myself with the same trouble as you. I could not find any sleep..." Aemond trailed off as Alyarra slowly approached him, finally close enough to really take in the features on his chiseled face.

"Is that why you're sitting the throne? To gain sleepiness?" Alyarra taunted as Aemond chuckled. His eye seemed to be able to seep into her mind, his stare was something that always sent chills down the lady's spine. Something that intimidated her.

"Clever, Lady Alyarra." Aemond said sarcastically as a tiny smile crept unto Alyarra's face. She looked around the Great Hall and noticed how quiet and peaceful it was this late at night. When her eyes returned to the prince, he was already staring intensely at her as if deep in thought.

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