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Days passed and Aemond hadn't seen Alyarra around the castle. Aemond would consider himself rather forgiving, and he was not one to hold a grudge. At least that was what he thought of himself.

So since Aemond Targaryen was so forgiving he had decided to stop giving Alyrra the cold shoulder. He had decided to forgive her for spending time with Aegon.

So since he decided to be forgiving, he walked all the way to the Lady Alyarra's chambers. He had decided to invite her to come watch him train, as he knew she liked more adventurous endeavors. Aemond approached the chambers, and he knocked swiftly at the wood doors. He expected the lady-in-waiting Catherryn to open, or maybe Alyarra herself would open. He adjusted his leather linens as he waited for the doors to open.

The door opened slowly to reveal Catherryn. Armond gave the girl a curtly nod as the maid curtsied. "I hope you find yourself well, Lady Catherryn. I wonder if the Lady Alyarra is available?" Aemond asked in a cold tone. The tone that was almost too characteristic of Aemond.

He almost wanted to chuckle as he could feel the nervousness on Catherryn's face, clearly she feared the prince for reasons he did not know. That was usual with ladies or maids, they always seemed nervous around him. That was the main reason he wore his patch, he didn't want to frighten anyone.

"The Lady Alyarra does not find herself in her chambers, my prince. I apologize." Catherryn muttered as Aemond raised a brow, eyeing Catherryn intensely.

"And where is she?" Aemond asked, his tone colder than before. His tone was almost cruel. Catherryn looked mortified as she looked at the prince.

"Um... I do not happen to know." Catherryn answered as Aemond chuckled dryly.

Catherryn was scared of Aemond, although she had heard he was much kinder than Aegon. But the way he stood a whole feet taller than her, staring at her with his one piercing eye made her quite uneasy. She felt like someone he could see into her thoughts.

"Tsk... Lady Catherryn I do not enjoy lies... How come the Lady Alyarra's lady-in-waiting does not know the whereabouts of her superior?" Aemond asked. It was quite obviously a rhetorical question.

Catherryn looked down at her feet and then up at the Prince's face. She had never been a good liar.

"The Prince Aegon came to collect her this morning... They were going hawking..." Catherryn trailed off. She felt guilty telling him this. She knew Aemond was the one courting her yet his brother was the one she spent time with. Although Catherryn knew well that Alyarra was fond of Aemond.

"The Prince Aegon?" Aemond asked with disgust clear in his tone, but his face as stoic as could be. Aemond looked Catherryn over with his cruel eye and turned on his heel.

He was done with Alyarra.

Over it.

How dare she?

What did Aegon have that he didn't?

Why was she so interested in his brother?

Was the kiss they shared that night all for naught?

Was she truly what Criston Cole deemed her to be? A cruel vixen out to gain political advantage by seducing the two Targaryen Princes?

Aemond was FURIOUS. He walked all the way down to the gardens, basically stalking through the paths. After enough hunting, finally he found the pair. Aemond stayed back, not wanting them to see him.

They were not alone, two of Aegon's guards accompanied them. Aemond watched as Alyarra held her hawk excitedly as Aegon instructed her on what to do. Aemond could barely hear the pair, but he could see that Aegon was telling tasteless jokes.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now