Thirty Two

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"You look gorgeous in that dress." Aemond would tell his wife as she stared at herself in the looking glass. She met his gaze on the glass and smiled at him. She fixed the green dress she wore and took a breath, turning around to face her husband. He looked as handsome as always, and she was always mesmerized by the man she called husband.

The pair was getting ready for Aegon's coronation and Alyarra was feeling rather anxious for some odd reason. Once that crown  was planted on his head, there would be no going back. Rhaenyra's throne would be officially usurped, and Alyarra was not feeling well about it at all. How could she?

She was monumentally against this on every single aspect. Aegon did not deserve a crown, much less a throne. He was a terrible person, and he had shown his true colors to Alyarra. It was something that could never be taken back, and now he was going to become the King. Now he was usurping his own sister.

She was against this. And she would never support it, but her duty was to stand by Aemond's side. If that included standing by him whilst his brother usurped the Iron Throne, then she would let it be.

Alyarra was also rather anxious about her brother. She knew well that Cregan would never actively support the usurping of a throne, and that he would never break an oath. But now she stood in the way, and she was very sure that her brother wouldn't put her in a risky situation. Or so she hoped.

"Have you heard about the servants? Will they release Catherryn soon?" Alyarra asked her husband as she moved to fasten his doublet.

"I asked my grandsire... he says they will be released as soon as they crown my brother. They didn't want the news of my father's passing to reach Dragonstone yet." Aemond explained as Alyarra pressed her lips together. Catherryn shouldn't have gotten imprisoned either way.

"That is madness. Catherryn is loyal to me, she would never gossip. She is my best friend." Alyarra told her husband as she moved her hands to fix his shoulder pads.

"Before being your best friend, she is a maiden. That won't change just because you are fond of her, darling." Aemond told her in a soft tone, as he was not trying to offend his wife.

"I know that." Alyarra huffed out in annoyance. "That doesn't change the fact that what your grandsire is doing to those poor servants is unfair." She told him and stepped back when she finished getting him ready.

"A throne is being usurped, my sweet. Nothing that comes along from now on will be fair." Aemond told her, and then he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Don't get angry with me, please." Aemond urged, making her give him a faltering smile and nod her head.

Aemond has been especially irritable ever since his extended family visited, and now even more so when he was told his brother would become King. She really did not want to add to his annoyance. She just wanted to sooth it, so she dropped it.

A knock was heard at the door, "Enter." Aemond would call and then Benjamin would peek his head inside the chambers. "The carriage awaits to take the prince and the lady to the pit." He announced quickly as Aemond pressed his lips and gave him just one nod.

"Thank you, Benjamin." Alyarra smiled kindly and moved hastily to grab Aemond's patch from his vanity. He was too tall for her to reach over so as always, he sat on a chair so she could place it over his eye and clasp it efficiently.

The pair moved quickly out of their chambers and through the castle. When they reached the courtyard of Maegor's Holdfast, Alyarra would yelp when her gaze landed on the hung man that adorned the pillars. "What the?!" She asked as she leaned her head into Aemond's arm. He looked down at her with no emotion on his face.

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