Twenty Two

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Alyarra was a nervous mess as she waited up for Aemond to get back to their chambers. She was confused as to where he could have gone. He didn't have a life in Winterfell, what could he possibly be doing? She did not wish to think the worse but the worse was all that she could think.

Alyarra nipped at her cuticles anxiously as she watched the chamber's doors, willing him to come. Every now and then her gaze would find the large windows that adorned the apartments, and the sun was threatening to shine. It was already the next day!

Did he leave her here? Was he frolicking around Wintertown like Aegon would King's Landing?

The doors to the chambers suddenly opened up slightly and in came Aemond. Alyarra would stand up hastily to face him, and then a piercing scream would echo through the room and the halls as she watched him waltz into the room drenched in blood. His blood? Alyarra's chest rose and fell heavily as she watched Aemond approach her. He eyed her breathing and then gave her a small smirk.

"Worry not, my sweet. The bloodbath was not of my own blood." Aemond said nonchalantly as Alyarra looked at him up and down a hundred times. Her eyes were like a mad woman's as Aemond simply stood tall and proudly staring at her.

"What happened?! Whose blood was shed?!" Alyarra asked in a haste as she moved to their bathchamber, grabbing a linen rag to wipe off some blood from his face. Aemond smiled lighy as her small hands tried to assess the damage, as it only meant that she did care for him.

"The men that tried to attack you are well dead. The three of them that your brother's guards let flee; They are dead. Head's off and limbs torn off." Aemond replied as it were the most obvious thing in the world. Her eyes widened in shock at the revelation, andn the she realized the blood that stained her hands now was of the people who wronged her.

"H-How? How did you find them?! They had an entire day to flee!" Alyarra was shocked and baffled. She really could not believe what the man before her had revealed. Her small hands were now trembling, as they wiped blood off Aemond.

"The people of Wintertown were quick to talk after seeing Vhagar round their skies. I had the maid give me a description of what she remembered, and with the help of a few drunks in a lowlife bar I was able to get the information I needed. They tried to flee to a neighboring town... they moved quick on horseback. But Vhagar is quicker." Aemond seemed proud of the story he retelled.

"And you killed them?" Alyarra asked in pure shock as the man gave her a once over with his eye and nodded.

"Of course I did. No person will ever hurt you, and those who try will meet my sword. Do you understand that?" Aemond asked coldly, in a tone that could only be described as cruel. Aemond Targaryen had killed for her, and now he stood in front of her with the blood of those who tried to attack her on his body.

"You did not have to do that." Alyarra spoke sternly as she dropped the rag from her hand and pulled away from him.

"I did have to. Did you just expect me to let those men run away free after what they tried to do? They would have raped you, Alyarra. Killed you or who knows what else they had planned for you. They had to die for what they tried. It was justice." Aemond's face lacked emotion as he spoke.

"I am your husband now, and I will protect you against everything and anything. I will hear no contest on the matter." Aemond spoke stermly as Alyarra nodded her head slowly. She couldn't deny that it felt good to be protected so fiercely.

As always, Aemond put Alyarra in a conflicting spot. She would never condone murder, but Aemond was right. Those men had come to the castle to hurt her. And it felt so good knowing that he would do anything to protect her. She could not explain it, but Aemond made her feel safe.

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