Twenty Four

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Alyarra was well nervous for supper that night. She was fearful of the Queen, and what she would tell her after Aemond's little revelation. She didn't know what had gone down after the Queen told everyone to leave except Aemond and Otto.

Had Aemond told her the truth? That Cregan wished for them to be wed because they had angaged in sex before marriage? Alyarra would be forever embarrased if Alicent found out what she had done, as she knew the Queen valued honor and virtue over everything.

Alyarra also did not wish to see Aegon. She had been avoiding him since she got back to King's Landing because she simply did not wish to have to confront him. It's not like she owed him any explanations. She owed him nothing, but she still  couldn't keep the guilt from eating away at her. She should've stayed away from him when Aemond commanded, she should not have been so open to him. And now she walked around with his broken heart and the guilt looming over her.

"Are you alright, darling? You seem preoccupied." Aemond asked as the pair walked together to the Queen's apartments. Alyarra's arm rested on Aemond's strong one as the pair got closer to the the apartments.

"Well... yes. I am afraid the queen will think less of me now that she knows we've wed..." Alyarra told him, leaving out the part of her not wanting to see his brother.

"My mother is fine with the marriage. She will never think less of you. She adores you." Aemond reassured her, making Alyarra smile slightly. The Queen was a good woman, and Alyarra was elated that the Queen thought highly of her.

The guards opened the doors for the pair as they approached Alicent's quarters, and they made their way inside to find the royal family lounging around. Seemingly awaiting for Aemond and Alyarra. Aegon was the first to notice them, a scowl appearing on his face as he noticed Alyarra's arm resting upon Aemond's. Alyarra averted her eyes from the prince and over to Alicent, who gave her a small smile whilst approaching her.

"Alyarra... you look stunning in that green dress as you usually do." Alicent complimented her, earning a small from the girl. Thank the gods she seemed like her usual normal self.

"Thank you, your grace. As always you are most kind to me." Alyarra answered. Otto made his way to the couple with a happy smile on his face. "This supper is a celebration, Lady Stark. A celebration of the union between our families." Otto stated, raising his goblet slightly to the pair.

"Indeed. Shall we feast? I have plans to go over with the two of you." Alicent asked as they both nodded their heads. The family moved to sit around the round table, which was already set with a wide assortment of foods.

Aemond pulled Alyarra's seat out for her, and then sat down next to her. Aegon and Helaena sat across from them and the Queen and the Hand would sit facing eachother. The servants would begin serving the family their food and their wine, and Alyarra would shift uncomfortably as Aegon's stare would not leave her body. It was a hardened gaze, an angry one.

Alyarra turned to Aemond who was already watching his brother, with a more smug look than an angry one. It was almost like Aemond's gaze was taunting Aegon, telling him that he had won. That Alyarra was his. A smirk would play at Aemond's lip as Aegon narrowed his eye on his brother. "Shall we pray?" Alicent asked as everyone nodded.

Alyarra brought her hands together in prayer, and closed her eyes whilst lowering her head. Alicent partaked in her prayer, as everybody listened and prayed dutifully.

Alyarra yelped quietly as she suddenly felt Aemond's hands slide beneath her skirts. She gave him a look of surprise as he simply smirked at her. Alyarra looked at everyone around the table, they were oblivious as could be as they prayed with their eyes closed. Alyarra squeezed her legs together around his wandering hand, whilst Aemond moved his fingers back and forth.

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