Fifty Two

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"Have you seen Catherryn?" Alyarra Stark would ask her older brother, Cregan Stark, as she entered his study. The man would shake his head, "She is probably in the courtyard watching Rickon and Baelon train."

"That makes sense. She is adamant on training with the sword, but I fear for her safety." Alyarra huffed. "If she is as clumsy as you then I would fear for her too." Cregan would jest, giving his sister a taunting smile. "She has been berating her Septa. She wants to be wherever Baelon is," Alyarra chuckled, "It is quite adorable."

Cregan chuckled, "Reminds me of you, and of her namesake. Would always follow me around when you were a girl, wanted to do whatever I did." He said as his eyes skimmed the parchment he had been reading. Alyarra moved to sit across from him, watching as he answered ravens from the capital. "You know, lords from across the realm are still asking for your hand in marriage."

Alyarra rolled her eyes, "Do they now?" she asked, picking at her nails in an absentmindedly manner— a habit she had picked up years ago.

"Yes. I keep declining all of them, of course. I suppose you would not be fond of remarrying." Cregan asked her, his eyes lifting to meet hers in an inquiring manner. She shook her head and pressed her lips together, "Do you even have to ask me that?"

Ten years had passed over Alyarra, though the memory of her deceased husband never left her. He stayed there, living in every corner of  her mind— living in every corner of the Great Keep. He never left, and Alyarra came to terms with living with his ghost. Though she never mentioned him, never once spoke about him. It was hard, living with the ghost of who she once loved plaguing her being— but she could not rid of him, no matter how hard she tried. Especially because her own son had turned into his twin.

She tried hard. The gods knew just how hard she tried to forget him. "The King Aegon has sent a raven once more asking to see Baelon." Cregan informed her as he read another parchment he had received, this one coming from the new Hand of the King, Prince Viserys Targaryen.

"How many times will we have to tell him that I do not want my son in King's Landing? That if he wants to meet him than he shall come here and visit his cousin." Alyarra stated, her voice strong willed as she looked at Cregan in sheer indignation.

"Do you not think tis time for Baelon to meet his cousins? What with the return of Prince Viserys... perhaps Baelon will benefit from being with his family." Cregan pondered, eyeing Alyarra intently and trying to gauge her reaction to his words.

"Is he not with his family here?" Alyarra snarled.

"Of course he is, but Baelon... that kid is a dragon, Alyarra. He is his father reincarnated, you know that. He is a Targaryen before he is a Stark." Her brother countered, trying to reason with her.

"Do not say that. Baelon is better, will be better than his father ever was." Alyarra contested, though she knew that Cregan spoke the truth. Baelon had grown to be a carbon copy of his father, the same eyes, the same nose, the same hair. Baelon truly was Aemond reincarnated.

"Of course he will be. It might help for him to grow close to his cousins. Aegon and Viserys are just a few years older than him. They will connect in a level that he can not with Catherryn and Rickon." Cregan stated, making Alyarra shake her head in retaliation.

"King's Landing brought for me only darkness and sadness. The throne took everything from me, Cregan. How many times do I have to remind you? How many times do I have to tell you that I do not want my son anywhere near the Crown?" Her tone was now heated and stern, as this was a recurring fight between the two Stark siblings.

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