Forty Seven

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"Harrenhal?" Alyarra asked her husband, a frown knitted in between her brows as she looked up at him expectantly. She was not clear what he was asking of her. He wanted to take Harrenhal? And then make her move there with Baelon? For whatever reason would that benefit her family? Herself?

"Yes, Harrenhal. I am leaving on the morrow, first thing as the sun rises. Criston and I are taking the troops there, hopefully we'll overtake my cunt uncle. Kill him to finally win this damned war." Aemond stated with much conviction on his tone of voice.

Alyarra inhaled a tiny breath, watching as Aemond ate his lunch without taking much mind in what he was suggesting. "And why should I go there? I can stay here with the Queen and the court. Surely I am not needed in a war zone, much less is Baelon needed there."

"You are my wife, and it is likely that I will stay in Harrenhal for some unprecedented time. You will come with Baelon as soon as I take the castle." Aemond told Alyarra, and his tone let her know that there was absolutely no room for discussion. He had decided.

"What about Jaehaera and Maelor?" She asked, anxiously ripping the skin around her cuticles. She was nervous, for reasons unbeknownst to her own self. She had not left the Red Keep in moons, and she had found solace in it. In the golden cage where she was held by her own husband. If she was not going to Winterfell then she did not want to leave the Keep.

"They stay here with my mother. Tis not like we are never returning. We will be back. I just can not say when." Aemond assured Alyarra, though it served for nothing but to make her even more anxious for her future.

"And what happens there? In Harrenhal? What will you and Cole do?" Alyarra wondered, eyeing the plate in front of herself. Aemond had finished his, and Alyarra had barely ate anything in hers. She did not eat much of anything these days.

"I already told you, Alyarra. I will take it from my uncle, kill him and end the war. Tis that simple." Aemond rolled his one eye, not in the mood for all her senseless questions. "What of Rhaenyra? You speak as if defeating Daemon is all there is left to do..." Alyarra trailed.

"That old fat hag has nothing left in herself. Jacaerys is more than dead, rotting in the depths of some sea. And after Daeron's brave showing at battle we have enough momentum to end this. My cunt uncle is the mastermind; the one running this. I kill him and tis over, is that not what you want?" Aemond asked her, raising a brow at her.

"And what of Cregan?" Alyarra asked, noticing the annoyance and disdain broaden upon Aemond's face but she cared little for that in that particular moment. Her brother was all that she thought about lately, how could she not?

"Your brother is a traitor to the crown," He mused, his eye cold and unfeeling towards her, "But he is your brother. And I am forgiving. If he bends the knee to the rightful King then... he will be pardoned for his crimes."

"How is Aegon? Better? Will he rise soon?" Alyarra wondered, eyeing Aemond who ever so slightly rolled his one eye.

"Still hurt and in much pain. There is... a big chance that he will not rise again. That he dies from his injuries. If that is so, you will be my Queen, and Baelon my heir." Alyarra remained unfeeling as Aemond spoke, licking her lips and then looking down at her lap.

She did not want Aemond to be King, did not want Baelon to be the heir to the Seven Kingdoms. The Iron Throne had taken so much from her, had put her through so much, that she despised it. Hated the damned iron seat and the damned ruby crown Aemond wore.

Alyarra would never say it, not again anyways, but all that she wanted was to be in Winterfell. Far from King's Landing, far from the place that brought upon her the saddest fate. All that she knew since she came to the Red Keep had been loss and uncertainty. She did not want to be there, did not want to be a Queen. All that she wanted was to be her simple self again, back when her brother still loved her, when he protected her from all that was wrong.

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