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"This dress will leave everybody's jaw on the floor whenever you enter the Great Hall my lady. You look stunning in it." Catherryn gushed as she tied Alyarra's corset unto her body. Catherryn had always admired her lady, especially her beauty.

To Catherryn; Alyarra was the kindest and the most beautiful girl in all of court. She was her best friend in the entire world.

"You flatter me Catherryn. I will be no match for yourself though. I am sure you will look radiant this night... Especially because I have gotten something for you..." Alyarra trailed off as her gaze found Catherryn's eyes through the looking glass. The girl's face lit up with joy at the words.

"You have?" Catherryn asked excitedly, bringing her hands together and into her chest happily. Alyarra nodded and moved to her desk, grabbing a small wooden box and handing it to her lady. Catherryn's eyes glistened with happiness as she opened the box rapidly.

Out of it she pulled a radiant gold necklace, encrusted with the finest rubies in all of King's Landing. Catherryn squealed as she eyed the gift, engulfing Alyarra in a tight hug.

"You should not have! I can not even fathom this, it is beautiful. Alyarra thank you!" Catherryn squealed as the girl gave her a meaningful smile and shrugged her shoulders easily. It was nothing.

"You have been a loyal friend to me for years and I will never be able to repay the friendship you have showed me. This is only a small little thing compared to all you have done for me." Alyarra said wholeheartedly. And she meant each word spoken.

"You do not have to repay anything I have done for you. You are my best friend, you are like my sister. I will do anything for you. Anything." Catherryn said honestly, making Alyarra smile at the kind words. How had she gotten so lucky? 

"We should head down to the Great Hall. I assume the feast for Queen Alicent has already commenced. I wish to dance my little feet off my body." Alyarra spoke as Catherryn giggled and nodded her head excitedly.

The two girls made their way down to the Great Hall with their arms laced together. Alyarra was a tiny bit excited as she would get to dance all night and just have a good time. She had always adored balls and feasts. It was an excellent way to make new acquaintances and have a good time, seemingly forgetting court rules for just a night.

But Alyarra also was just a touch nervous to see Aemond, as she had been for the last couple of days. She was still hurt by his words. How could he even think that she would remotely consider Aegon?

After she had let him touch her in that sinful way, he still doubted her feelings and who she wanted. It was baffling and demeaning to her. Had that steamy night now shown him who she wanted?

Alyarra and Catherryn entered the Great Hall to find it adorned with all sorts of beautiful decorations for the Queen's nameday. Alyarra's head went into overdrive as her eyes darted across the Great Hall.

"Wow... so much green." Catherryn breathed out beside Alyarra, earning a chuckle from the lady.

"Did you expect any less from Queen Alicent?" Alyarra asked sarcastically as Catherryn giggled. The Queen was notoriously known to adore the color of her house, Hightower Green. Her attire and the decorations around the hall proved that. 

Green hung through the walls as the people of court buzzed around happily, clearly the atmosphere was a quite good one. All of the members of the court excited to celebrate the Queen. Alyarra's eyes searched through the hall trying to find a friendly face and they instantly landed on a certain one-eyed prince. He stood solemnly next to his mother and his sister.

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