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She had wanted to marry Aemond since the first week she spent at King's Landing. She had grown fond of the idea of possible becoming a princess. But not like this. She was not going to marry a man as disrespectful and unstable as Aemond Targaryen. Especially when he did not even ask her.

"Catherryn I don't know what kind of jest you're pulling but it is not a welcome one. Now help me get ready, we have a long journey ahead of us to go back home." Alyarra ordered sternly as Catherryn frowned.

"I am not jesting Alyarra... The Prince Aemond announced your betrothal top of this morning! Everybody is elated! The smile on the Queen's face does not falter... And do not get me started on Ser Otto's grin." Catherryn went on as all sorts of emotions flooded Alyarra's body.

Confusion and anger were the strongest emotions that crept into her body.

"What?! I am not marrying that man! He is insane! I didn't agree to anything... I asked to be sent back to Winterfell..." Alyarra exclaimed as Catherryn gasped in shock.

"What? But did you not say that you would not contest it if the opportunity arises? That he was a good man? Why the change of heart?" Catherryn questioned as Alyarra sighed, rubbing her temple in pure stress.

"He is not a good man. I was wrong. He acts like he owns me and then talks ill about me to other people. He claims he wants me and then goes around telling Criston Cole that I am not an attractive woman, that he could find somebody better than me." Alyarra tried compressing all of the events that unfolded in the past week. Leaving out the part where he almost fucked her atop the Iron Throne.

"But then why is he claiming he is to marry you?" Catherryn asked in genuine confusion. Alyarra shrugged as she folded her arms over her chest.

"I do not know what game he is playing at but I intend to find out. Fetch me a black dress." Alyarra ordered as Catherryn frowned. "Black? Why black?" The lady questioned as Alyarra sighed.

"I mourn the fondness I once held for the Prince Aemond." Alyarra said simply as Catherryn nodded her head slowly and headed towards Alyarra's wardrobe.

Catherryn got Alyarra ready rather quickly. And soon they were both heading down to the Great Hall. Alyarra was nervous, really nervous. She did not know the meaning of this, she did not know what kind of game Aemond was playing at. But she knew one thing for sure, she was not going to play with him.

They reached the Great Hall and Alyarra took a deep breath. She felt Catherryn behind her, and that was all she needed. Her lady in waiting would always have her back, and it helped her to know that she was not alone in this.

Alyarra walked into the Great Hall with Catherryn behind her. She walked slowly and surely. Every head present turned to look at the girl, whispers could be heard as she walked past the crowd. Her eyes were fixed on one thing, and that was the Prince Aemond. He stood tall in front of the Iron Throne with his family. His eye looked Alyarra up and down, his face as cold and emotionless as could be. Both of their eyes were locked on one another, and neither of them would break their gaze.

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The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now